Text: Eph. 3:20-21; Acts 11:21 Introduction: The church of God as revealed to us in the Scripture is glorious in its commencement, continuation, and consummation. The Bible and the church stand together. While the church had its roots in the Old Testament, it is predominately a New Testament institution. It is in the New Testament that we find the origin of the church, the pattern of the church, the mission of the church, the early history of the church, and the heavenly prospects of the church.
I. The Origin Of The Church A. The Sovereign Thought It B. The Savior Bought It C. The Spirit Wrought It
II. The Operation Of The Church A. An instrument for the Savior B. An inspiration to the saints C. An influence on society
III. The Outcome Of The Church A. Its conquest- taken out of the world B. Its celebration- married to Christ- bride C. Its coronation- crowned for its ministry D. Its continuation- through eternity Conclusion: In Ephesians 5:27 Paul speaks of the churchs future glory. 1. The church will be complete in number. 2. The church will be complete in nature (perfectly holy). Sermon
By Dr. Curtis Barbery |