A GLORIOUS CHURCH TEXT: Ephesians 5:27 INTRODUCTION: The Church is the Body, Bride and Building of the Lord. It is His love and life. It is the apple of His eye. Soon the Church will be leaving out to meet the Groom in Glory. Praise the Lord! I. GRACIOUS CHRIST IS ITS FOUNDER - Matthew 16:18 A. Jesus conceived the Church in eternity. B. Christ constituted the Church on the earth. C. Jesus Christ controls the Church in its entirety. II. GLORIOUS CROSS IN ITS FOUNDATION - Colossians 1:17.19 A. The shed blood of the sinless Saviour. B. The substitute for the sinful sinner. C. The satisfaction of the unsaved scriptures. III. GLORIOUS CONVERS1ON BECAUSE OF ITS FAITH - Acts 20:17-21 A. Repentance and faith fully saves. B. Receive Christ as personal Saviour. C. Recipient of everlasting salvation. IV. GLORIOUS CONGREGATION BECAUSE OF ITS FAMILY - Rev. 3:7-11 A. United in our relationship with Christ. B. Untold rewards of fellowship in the church. C. Unforgettable rejoicing with fellow Christians. V. GLORIOUS COMMISSION BECAUSE OF ITS FUTURE - Acts 1:8 A. World wide in Mission outreach. B. Witnessing through every open door of opportunity. C. Winning people to Christ through all the church's operation. VI. GLORIOUS CLIMAX BECAUSE OF ITS FINISH - Revelation 4:1-3 A. Going up to be with the Saviour. B. Goodbye to all the world of sin and shame. C. Glorious time when we hear the shout. VII. GLORIOUS IN ITS CALL-YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN - II Cor. 6:1-2 A. Time now for the lost to be saved. B. Tomorrow could be forever too late. C. Trust Christ as your Saviour now-right now. FROM MAZE JACKSON- EVANGELIST