Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"



Introduction: "Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ..." Three things can be seen from these words:

A. Paul's Humility: (Humility Expressed) Paul is a veteran preacher and missionary, while Timothy is just beginning to preach. Timothy is placed on the same level and recognized as just as important as Paul.

B. Paul's Heart: (Heart Exposed) Paul does not begin by announcing his apostolic authority. This is a letter of personal affection and tender love.

C. Paul's Harmony: (Harmony Experienced) Paul and Timothy were laboring together in the work of God. There was the blessed- ness to unity, togetherness, and harmony. No discord, no clashes, no conflicts.



A. We Are Characterized As Servants:

1. Birth: The word "servant" (Gr. doulos) means one who is born into slavery. We were born a slave to Satan and sin the first time. We were born the second time into slavery to Christ Jesus, into a glorious freedom of being loving bondslaves.

2. Bound: This word also mean that we are bound to Christ as our Master. We are bound to Him:

a. Permanently: Only death could break the bond of slavery. We were in a permanent relation-ship to Satan (SLAVES) until by our identification with Christ in His death, we were set free! Now we are in a permanent relationship to Christ that could only be broken by death.

But He lives, that means we live. Since He never dies, we will never die. Therefore, our relationship to Him as servants, our life with Him is eternal and forever.

b. Passionately: Constrained by love, His Love for us. Not so much a duty or an obligation.

3. Bowed: It also means one whose will is swallowed up by the will of another. As servants of Christ Jesus, we are surrendered and bowed to His will. "Have Thine On Way" is the theme of the servant of Christ.

He is devoted to the interests of his master to the extent that he disregards his own interests. There is a cost, a sacrifice to be made. We want to be His servants but we do not want it to cost us or demand of us.


B. We Are Called To Be Saints:

1. Separation:

2. Consecration:



A. Spiritually They Dwelt In Christ:

1. Security for Eternal Life:

2. Safety from an Evil Life:

3. Possibility for an Holy Life:


B. Physically They Dwelt In A City: Philippi was a Roman colony, actually a military city. As a colony, Philippi was a miniature Rome. Paul refers to the believer's "conversation" in his letter. The Philiipian Romans acted like, did like residents in the actual city of Rome. So Paul challenged the Philippians to act like, be like citizens of heaven.



A. Stirring Grace:

B. Steadying Peace:

Sermon From Steve Dagenhart- Pastor Calvary Baptist Church - Taylorsville, NC --USA


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