Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Greetings from a Brother

TEXT: Jude V-1-2


(1) The Setting.. At this point, the New Testament Church as born on Pentecost was over 30 years into its existence. It was still in its infancy. What could possibly go wrong in such a short time?

(2) Apostasy (an abandoning of what one believes) had already set in. What we see today is not new.

(3) Jude started to write about salvation (V-3) but felt an urgency to warn and exhort them to "contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." There is a greater need today than ever, for people of God to "contend for the faith."

(4) Jesus stood and wept over Jerusalem because they would not take refuge in him. Imagine what a heart breaking experience it is today when Jesus looks down upon the church for which He gave His life.

Let's begin a close examination of this letter.

A Call to Arms - a plea for the Christian to "contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."


You can't effectively challenge someone else to take a stand or make a commitment until you reach that point yourself. You can't push someone to climb a tree you won't climb yourself. Jude declared very vividly his own commitment in a simple sentence.

A. Notice who he was. V-1 "a brother of James." No doubt the brother of James, the half brother of Jesus. (Mark 6:3) Be careful not to confuse this James with James the brother of John, who were sons of Zebedee. The James referred to here is also the author of the book of James.

B. Notice what he was. V-1 "servant of Jesus Christ" What we are is more important than who we are.

(1) He didn't mention his brother relationship (less important)

According to John 7:5, Jesus' brothers did not believe in him while he was ministering but were probably saved after His resurrection. They were present in Acts 1:14 for the 10 day prayer meeting prior to Pentecost.

(2) A "servant" - The Greek word is "doulos" means, "subject without bondage."

He was declaring himself to be a bondslave of Jesus Christ. A slave has no rights, no say so, no plans of his own. He's subject 100% to his master. This is nothing less than what God expects from every Christian.


He makes it very clear who he is writing to.

A. He mentions their position. V-1 "sanctified" - It means to be separated and set apart unto a specific purpose.

(1) A Christian is sanctified positionally - This takes place at conversion. The Holy Spirit places you in the body of Christ. Separated from the world unto Christ.

(2) A Christian is sanctified progressively. - This happens as day by day a young, growing, maturing believer studies the word and communes with God in prayer. Little by little he/she becomes more like Christ and less like the world. This is progressive sanctification.

B. He mentions their preservation. V-1 "Preserved in Jesus Christ." (preserved means carefully watched, or guarded.) He is speaking of their security in Christ.

(1) Insecurity, about genuine salvation is needless. It's one of those unnecessary evils Satan uses to defeat us.

(2) Security, is the business of God. (I Pet. 1:5) We are "Kept by the power of God." If I am kept only by His Power, and I have no control over His power, then it's out of my hands.

C. HE MENTIONS THEIR POSITION. V-1 "called" - As used here, the word means:

CHOSEN. They had been chosen by the Lord. God picked you out! You didn't choose him, he chose you. The Holy Spirit came where you were and called you out.


"Mercy unto you, and peace, and love be multiplied." He mentions three qualities here that he desires to be multiplied or increased in their lives. These are three qualities can only come from God. The Holy Spirit can produce these things in our hearts. Let's examine each one:

A. Mercy V-2 - The outward manifestation of pity. The mercy of God prevents us from receiving what we deserve. The word is akin to and the result of grace and is therefore undeserved.

B. Peace V-2 - The result of mercy. By grace we receive mercy and the result of mercy is peace.

(1) The peace of God is beyond explanation or understanding

(Phil.4:7). It comes when we "In everything, with prayer, supplication, with thanksgiving, make our requests known unto God."

(2) The peace of God is powerful

(Phil. 4:7) Will keep your heart clean and your head clear.

C. Love V-2 Jude desired that love too be multiplied in their lives.

This should be our constant prayer for each other.

(1) We know more about conditional love. We love something or someone because of....

(2) We need to know more about unconditional love. This is what needs to be multiplied.

CONCLUSION: We see Jude's declaration of his commitment, his description of those he is writing to, and his desire for them. Next, we'll look more into the details and content of his urgent message to them.

Sermon #1 In Series on Jude by Cecil Lovelace


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