WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE FIRE WHAT PUTS OUT THE FIRE Where is the fire of fellowship? Where is the fire of friendship? Where is the fire of relationship? Water Quenches--imagine water on the fire. Wood Quickens--imagine wood on the fire. I. WORLDLINESS - Puts the fire out of the church, Fellowship goes down \ Light goes out of the eyes\ Heat has gone out of the heart \ The word of God is gone out of our will \ The Christian can't effort to be worldly \ He has God the father for Him \ God the Son with Him \ God the Holy Spirit in Him \ The word of God addressed to Him \ Heaven before Him \ Saints around Him \ The world crying out to Him II. SELFISHNESS (Means) Self seeking \ Self consideration\ Self interest \ This problem will keep you from visiting \Tithing \ Working \Teaching \ Singing \ sacrificing III. DISOBEDIENCE (Means) A refusing to believe \ A refusing to obey \ Try pouring a pail of disobedience on your services. IV. PRIDE (Means) State or quality of being proud \ Self esteem \ Self glory \ Being a show off \ Try a pail of pride and watch the fire go out of your service. V. HATRED (Means) To dislike \ despise \ The opposite of Love \ It is malicious and unjustifiable feeling towards others. There are some things will fire up the Church: PICTURE THE WOOD ON THE FIRE ******SCRlPTURES\ Ps 39:3 While I was musing \ Meditating \ the fire burned \ delighting in the Word of God will certainly cause the fire of God to burn \ Pour a pail of the scriptures into your services and see what happens. ******* PRAYER \ All the wood we could pile on the fire prayer is the quick fire builder \ Now pile on some good old fashioned prayers \ Mat 7:7 \ Roman 8:26 ********HUMILITY\ Means \A Since of insignificance \ Being of a humble mind -2nd Chro. 7:14 ********SEPARATlON - The act of separating ones self from some thing \ Separate from the world and to God \ To live a dedicated life \ Try a pail of separation on the church ********SlNGING \Eph 5:19\ Speaking to your selves in Psalms,and hymns and spiritual songs, Singing and making melody in your hearts Sermon From Dr. J.B Jordan- Retired Pastor and Evangelist