TEXT: MATTHEW 25:46 INTRODUCTION: Hell is a real place where real people burn forever. To deny the existence of hell is to deny the existence of heaven. In Matthew 25:46, Jesus used the same Greek word when speaking of eternal punishment as when He spoke of eternal life and all in the same verse. Hell is a place that burns with fire and all who die unsaved will he tormented there forever. I. FACT OF HELL A. Proof of scripture. (Psalms 9:17) 1. Mentioned many times. 2. Must be true. B. Preached by Saviour. (Mark 9:4348) 1. Said more about Hell than Heaven. 2. Sincerely warned of Hell's horrors. II. FOLK OF HELL A. Rejectors of Christ. (John 3:18) 1. Willful rebellion. 2. Woeful remorse. B. Reprobate in character. (Romans 1:28) 1. Men become more vexed. 2. Minds cannot discern values. III.. FRIGHT OF HELL A. Personal suffering. (Luke 16:23) 1. Feel the flames. 2. Find no favor. B. Permanent sentence. (Matthew 25:41) 1. Never ending misery. 2. Nagging memory . IV. FOLLY OF HELL A. Saviour awaits your choice. (Matthew 11:28) 1. Will it he Heaven? 2. Will it he Hell? B. Sins paid for at Calvary. (I Peter 2:24) 1. Redeemed by the blood. 2. Resting in the beloved. FROM MAZE JACKSON- GOLDEN NUGGETS E-Mail |