JESUS CHRIST ABOUT Text: Jn. Chs. 3,14,15,16,and 20. Theme: Jesus teaching on the Holy Spirit. Introduction: Notice the relationship of Jesus to the Holy Spirit. He was concieved by..came upon by...led by..anointed by...empowered by...raised up from the dead by the Holy Spirit. The greatest lessons on the Holy Spirit were by Jesus. He knew Him well. I. THE BIRTH OF THE SPIRIT ( Jn. 3). A. The Work of the Spirit (vv.3-7). B. The Wind of the Spirit (v.8). C. The Witness of the Spirit (v.11). Note the threefold witness in vv.14-16: 1. A Sacrificial death 2. A Supernatural love 3. A Simple salvation II. THE BLESSING OF THE SPIRIT (Jn. Ch.14-16) A. The Blessing of His Person (14:16-18)(Who He is) B. The Blessing of His Presence (15:26-27)(Where He was) C. The Blessing of His Purpose (16:7-15)(What He will do) III. THE BREATH OF THE SPIRIT (Jn. 20) A. The Breath of His Peace (Jn. Ch. 20) B. The Breath of His Prophet (v.19) C. The Breath of His Plan (v.21) D. The Breath of His Power (v.22) Conclusion: May the windows of Heaven open to us and the breath of God move upon us like never before. Come oh breath! Breath on me! SERMON BY DR. JOE ARTHUR- PASTOR JONESBORO