Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


TEXT: I TIM. 2:19----HEB. 13:5


According to my research the writer of this great hymn is unknown but I am sure that the writer knew him of whom he wrote and sung.

This was the favorite hymn of President Theodore Roosevelt as well as President Andrew Jackson who requested that it be sung during his last and fatal illness. It was the special favorite of that southern gentleman without peer,Robert E. Lee. -who asked that it be sung at his funeral as an expression of his full trust in the ways of his Heavenly Father.


A. It was laid by God.--1.Peter 2.-6.

Behind the august power of the Roman empire and the flashing sword of the German solders was God, It pleased the Father to bruise him as he delivered him for our offenses and raised him for our justification.

B. The Foundation is Infallible.

I believe when God made heaven he smiled,I believe when he made hell he shivered,-and when He laid the foundation at Calvary He surely must have sobbed.

C. The Foundation is Indestructible.

1. The Wicked has tried to destroy it,

2. The world has tried to deny it.

3. The Wise have tried to defy it. --But it still stands.

Century follows century--but there it stands. Empires rise and fall and are forgotten--but there it stands. Dynasty follows dynasty --but there it stands. Kings are crowned and uncrowned--but there it stands. Emperors decree its extermination-Atheist rail against it but there it stands-Agnostics smile cynically-Profane punksters caricature it-Unbelief abandons it Higher critics deny its claims--but there it stands. The flames have kindled around it-The tooth of time has gnawed at it --but there it stands Infidels predicts its abandonment--Modernize tries to explain it away BUT PRAISE GOD THERE IT STANDS-AND WILL BE STANDING WHEN THEY ARE ALL KICKING UP CHUNKS IN HELL.,


The loftier the building the deeper must the foundation be laid, and God laid the foundation deep enough for us all.

A. The Builders are Instructed. I. Cor. 3.11--

You cannot erect a sound super structure on a superficial foundation.

B. The builders are Individuals.

Men build for a century but you and I are building for all eternity.

C. The builders are incomplete. I.Cor. 3.1.--still carnal. He who builds below the stars is building too low.


A. It is Stable.-

I noticed my house here on Lake Lanier and some of the foundation where the blocks rested was crumbling and I had to have my house jacked up and a new foundation put under it. But this will never happen to my spiritual foundation; it was laid in the tears of Gethsemane and the tears of Calvary,it want ever move.

B. It is Safe.

Many many years ago I saw a huge snake laying in the path as I went to feed my Dads hogs,When it saw me it was as frightened as I was and it made some kind of strange noise and I saw 6 or 7 little snakes run in its mouth and it swallowed them, and they were safe,the only way I could have killed the little snakes was to kill the big one they were safe inside and you and I are safe in Jesus.

C. It is Simple.

1. Simple enough for the Deluded.-Isa. 35.-6.

2. Simple enough for the Defiled.-Isa. 1.18.

3. Simple enough for the Dumb.--

Over 30 years ago as I preached for Bro Ted Camp in the New Bethel Baptist Church in Rome-Georgia.. As I preached to the deaf and dumb folk from Cave Springs through an interpreter, I saw a lady about 50 yrs old come to the front weeping,and down on her knees she talked to God on her fingers.the suddenly she raise up and pointed toward heaven then to her heart.



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