These illustrations are designed to help the pastor himself as he seeks something for his own heart and life. We preachers minister to others and need something to speak to us in our own ministry as we face our individual responsibilities. Advice to Young Preachers//////// "Do not make cronies of any of your flock for your buddy may turn out to be your biggest problem. Do not talk your views, preach them. Dr. Jowett expressed himself from the pulpit but had little to say in general conversation. Do not accept gifts that make you beholden to the giver. A free trip to the Holy Land can bind a minister more securely than Delilah tied up Sampson. Do not dwell in your ivory tower and neglect the flock. On the other hand, do not be so involved with the flock that you cannot be a prophet on Sunday. I have seen a good many men become flunkeys and bellhops of their congregation." Dr. Vance Havner Martin Luther Used to Advise Young Preachers to: "Stand up straight, speak out boldly, and sit down quickly." Luther Aim of Preaching/////////// A sailor just off a whaling expedition asked where he could hear a good sermon. When he got back from the church his friend had recommended to him, the friend asked him how he liked the sermon. His reply was: "Not very much. It was like a ship leaving for the whale fishing--everything ship shape; anchors, cordage, sails, and provisions all right, but there were no harpoons on board." 2500 Best Illustrations--ILLUSTRATIONS ON PREACHING Apology for Preaching//////// "A preacher who preaches "Thus saith the Lord" should never apologize for his preaching. To do so would be like a dentist taking out a rotten tooth completely decayed, and then apologizing to the patient for removing it.I recall having a group of ladies in a church where I preached revival confront me because of preaching once against the practice of speaking in tongues. The ring leader said to me,"I do not think you should have preached what you did tonight and said what you did about speaking in tongues. If my charasmatic friends were here, we would have been embarassed." My reply was- "I preached what God told me to preach, so how could I apologize for any part of the message? If he tells me to preach the same thing tomorrow night, I am under obligation to do it." Dr.Tom Walker Applying Preaching/////////// There are many people who do not mind a man preaching against sin unless he begins to name them. Naming them is actually applying the truth to our lives-but some want to call it meddling. Knowing myself as well as I do, if a preacher does not get on some of my sins once in a while, he is not doing much preaching. There are far too many today who want a nice SERMONETTE by a nice little PREACHERETTE to a nice little CONGREGATIONETTE. Dr. Tom Walker Acceptability of Preaching//////////// "It is not our business to make the message acceptable, but to make it available. We are not to see that they like it, but that they get it." Dr. Vance Havner Availability for Preaching ////////////// A man who listened once to D.L Moody was very critical of his grammar and reprimanded him for it. Moody's response was:" I wish my grammar were better. I wish I had a better education, but I am using all the grammar I have for the glory of God. Are you doing as much with yours?" God is more interested in our availability than he is our ability. 1000 Illustrations For Preaching & Teaching---------Jones
Clarity In Preaching///////////// "A preacher ought to so preach, that when the sermon is ended, the congregation shall disperse saying, "The preacher said this." Martin Luther Conditional Preaching //////////////// The following came out in a minister's sermon as it was addressed to a fashionable congregation: "Brethren, unless you repent, in a measure, and be converted, as it were, you will, I regret to say, be damned to some extent." God save us from that kind of preaching! Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations----Tan Content of Preaching////////////////// "Make Jesus your theme! I have seen preachers espouse causes and champion movements, and when the cause died and the movement collapsed, the preacher vanished too. But, the man who glories in Christ never grows stale." The Vance Havner Quote Book Content of Preaching ////////////////// Inscribed on the cornerstone of a large fashionable church was the text: "But we preach Christ crucified." As the years passed by, vines grew up around it until all that was visible were the words, "But we preach." Ironically, this was a sad commentary on the deteriorating ministry of that church, for the pastor spoke only of social issues and no longer mentioned the crucified, risen Savior. -Origin Unknown- Content of Preaching///////// "The gospel has been preached at times as though it were a funeral; at other times like it were a frolic. Our Lord preached it as a feast. That combines the solid, substantial, satisfaction of the soul with gladness and rejoicing." --Dr. Vance Havner-- "You may speak to the multitude on some flashy theme of momentary interest, but speak of a closer walk with God and most of your hearers will move on to the next sensation." --Dr. Vance Havner Conviction In Preaching ////////////// David Hume, the agnostic, was reproached by some of his friends because on his inconsistency in going to church each Sunday to hear the orthodox Scottish minister John Brown. Defending himself, he replied, "Well, I don't believe all that he says, but he does, and once a week I like to hear a man who believes what he says." -Unknown- Crowds in Preaching///////////////// A young preacher once asked John Wesley," How can I get crowds to attend my church services?" Wesley replied," Get on fire and people will come out to see you burn." Knight's Master Book of Illustrations
Decision in Preaching////////////////// Pastor L.G. Broughton tells how he was invited to preach in one of the leading churches of a large city. He went into the pulpit with a special sense of God's presence. When he finished his evangelistic sermon, the Holy Spirit impressed upon him that there were some in the congregation who should be urged to make a decision for Christ that very day. He was not completely familiar with the way the church ended its order of worship, but he felt led of the Spirit to warn the lost of the danger of putting off accepting the Lord as Saviour. Suddenly a strong, able bodied man got up and walked to the from of the auditorium. Tears streamed down his face for he was under deep conviction of sin. Then one after another responded. Broughton said, "Four- teen confessed Christ that morning. But as we were about to leave, the wife of one of the church officers remarked, " I greatly enjoyed the sermon, but I don't think a visiting preacher should change the regular order of service just to have a few people come forward." The preacher felt rebuked by that remark, but when the first man who had responded met accidental death before the day had ended, Broughton was convinced that he had been divinely directed. He realized then why he had felt the special need of "preaching to a decision." We may be speaking to someone who will never hear the gospel invitation again. -Henry Bosch- Definitions of Preaching////////// "Preaching is the communication of truth by man to men. The truest truth communicated in any other way than through the personality of brother man to man is not preached truth." --Dr. Phillip Brooks-- Spurgeon said "It is the truth of God mediated through a man's voice, life, heart, mind, in fact, his whole being. " That is why Spurgeon preached from behind a rail, not a pulpit desk. He felt that since a man preaches with his whole body, it should not be hidden from view. --Dr. W.A. Criswell--- "It is to reprove sin, to rebuke individuals and groups who do wrong, and to exhort tenderly, proving your preaching by the Bible." --Dr. John R. Rice-- Depth In Preaching///// "Depth is not manifested in using complicated terms but through evidence of a personal walk with and knowledge of God." -Dr.Tom Walker- Discouragement In Preaching/////////// A very discouraged and overworked pastor went every day to a railroad track to watch an express train streak by. An observe asked, "Pastor, why do you come here every day to see the Dixie Flyer go by?" His response was:"Well, I do like to see something I don't have to push!" Does that get you discouraged? You are not alone. Knights'Treasury of Illustrations Dry Preaching//////////////// A man who spoke little English gave this description of a sermon he had heard: he said "Big wind. Much lightening.Loud thunder. No rain!" -Selected- Effect of Preaching////////// "What once almost made us leap in the aisle, now almost puts us to sleep in the pew." Excitement In Preaching////////////// "A preacher once put his hand down on a wasp in the pulpit and let out a yell that could be heard all over the churchyard. One listener in the congregation nudged his companion and said, "I am going to like this preacher!" -- Unknown-- Experience Before Preaching ////////// "Any preacher who preaches beyond that which he has experienced is incapable of preaching with conviction." -Billy Graham- Favor In Preaching/////////// "If the audience is entirely in favor of the preacher, then let him beware. He may fall into all sorts of aimlessnesses and carelessnesses." -Dr. G. Campbell Morgan- Fearlessness In Preaching //////////// Years ago in my first church, there was a very elderly,godly man with which I talked very often. At one time we were going through a very trying time in the church because my preaching was a bit too rough for some of the members. The old gentleman gave me some of the best advice that I have ever been given, that being, "Pastor, preach the truth and let the chips fall where they may." I have tried to follow that all through these years of ministry and it has worked. -Dr. Tom Walker- Fearlessness In Preaching////////// "A gospel preacher must be fearless. Once you see what the Bible is saying about a point, you have to keep saying it." - Dr. Donald Carson- Fervency In Preaching //////////// "I preach as never sure to preach again, as a dying man to dying men." -Richard Baxter- Grammar In Preaching //////////// A man had an illiterate pastor. When someone questioned him about it, the man said, "Well, I'd rather hear a preacher say, "I seen," who saw something, than to hear one say "I saw," who ain't saw nothin'." My Favorite Illustrations--Hobbs HELPMEET IN PREACHING/////// There is one person in your church,who knows your preacher's
life. She knows one prophet's weakest point, and knows his greatest power.She's heard him speak in trumpet tone, in his great triumph hour. She's heard him groaning in his soul, when bitter raged the strife, as hand in his she knelt with him-- For she's a preacher's wife! The crowd has seen him in his strength, when gleamed his drawn sword, as underneath God's banner folds, he faced the devil's horde. But she knows deep within her heart, that scare an hour before, she helped him pray the glory down, behind a closet door! You tell your tales of prophets brave,who walked around the world, and changed the course of history,\ by burning words they hurled. And I will tell how back of them, some women lived their lives, -Selected- Hints For Preaching///////// For young preachers 1. Endeavor to preach without notes 2. Avoid repetition 3. Be natural( be yourself) 4. Make a clearly defined outline 5. Wisely choose your illustrations 6. Carefully prepare your introduction that you might capture the audience's attention. 7. Be sure your own heart has been well prepared. -- Dr. Iver Powell -- Length of Preaching ////////////// A young preacher once asked another person after one of his earliest sermons, "Did I preach too long?" The friend's response was this: "You did not preach too long but you talked too much after you stopped preaching." Source Unknown Length of Preaching//////////////// A preacher who was popular with his congregation explained his successes as the result of a silent prayer he prayed each time he entered the pulpit. It went like this: "Lord fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, and nudge me when I've said enough." -School Activities- Love In Preaching/////////////// "An awful lot of preaching misses the mark because it proceeds from love of preaching, not love of people." "Some preach the truth and don't have love. Some preach love and don't have the truth. Get the mixture right. The truth will keep you from dissolving into sentimentality; love will keep you from hardening into severity." --Dr. Vance Havner-- Necessities for Preaching////////////// Three elements always found. 1-Truth 2-Clarity 3- Passion Dr. G. Campbell Morgan Need of Preaching////////////////// Nineteen out of every twenty who receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour do so before they reach the age of 25. Dr. Wilbur Chapman tested a meeting where 4,500 were present and found the following results: 400 was saved before 10 years of age 600 were saved between 12 and 14 600 were saved between 14 and 16 1,000 were saved between 16 and 20 25 were saved after 30 years of age 25 was saved after 30 years of age 1,875 were unsaved After 25 only 1 in 1,000 After 35 only 1 in 50,000 After 45 only 1 in 200,000 After 55 only 1 in 300,000 After 75 only 1 in 700,000. Knights Treasury of Illustrations-----------Knight Objective of Preaching ////////////////// In the pulpit of the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Teneessee are the words "Sir, we would see Jesus." Dr. Lee Roberson placed those there years ago to make clear who his ministry was all about-that being the Lord Jesus Christ. It would be wise for us to keep thesame objective in mind. That is what the congregation needs to see in our sermons. Dr.Tom Walker Object of Preaching////////////////////// Two men went to hear Dr. Joseph Parker in London. As they came away from the church, they said," My, what eloquence! He knows how to choose the right words and say them! His oratory is simply irresistable!" The same two men went to the other side of town to hear Spurgeon on the following Sunday. They left the service silently and reverently. One said, "My what a Christ." Knights Treasury of Illustrations--------Knight
Opportunities For Preaching////////// "I've never done any politicking to get to preach anywhere. You don't need to know key men to get along. You need to know the "Keeper of the Keys." --Dr. Vance Havner-- Passion In Preaching//////////// There was a great English actor in years gone by whose name was Macready. A famous preacher once said to him: "I wish you would explain something to me. Man said,"Well, what is it? I don't know that I can explain anything to a preacher." Preacher asked, "What is the difference between you and me? You are appearing before crowds night after night with fiction, and the crowds come wherever you go. I am preaching the essential and unchangeable truth, and I am not getting any crowd at all. The famous actor responded by saying, " This is quite simple. I can tell you the difference between us. I present my fiction as though it were true, and you present your truth as though it were fiction." - Dr. G. Campbell Morgan- Patience In Preaching//////////// "We do not always see the immediate results that we would like to see in our preaching endeavors. If we could only be like the farmer who plants a seed and would wait patiently to see the crop come up, we would be saved from many a sense of frustration and defeat." --Dr. Tom Walker-- Perseverance in Preaching/////////////////// Many faithful pastors have known intense hatred from some people in the church where they have pastored, who feel threatened by an uncompromising witness. In the book The Pastor In Profile, Adolph Bedsole wrote about troublemakers in the church who "torment the pastor into becoming the crabbed old goat they think him to be. Jezebel and Judas can take a good man of God and carve him into a critical creature. Constant criticism and continual gripes can make a man punch- drunk and cruel. Some churches seem to have a special ability to break preachers down." Bledsoe advised," If you find yourself a victim of these circumstances, roll up your sleeves, get on your knees, and learn how to live with them and outthink,outpray, outlive, and outwork them." -David McCarthy- Purpose of Preaching ////////////////// Someone told G. Campbell Morgan that the preacher must catch the spirit of the age. Immediately the great preacher responded by saying: "God forgive that preacher who does that. The preacher's business is to correct the spirit of the age not to catch it." Zodhiates'Illustrations of Bible Truths Qualifications For Preaching/////////////// Martin Luther gave these ten qualifications for the preacher: 1. He should be able to preach plainly and in order. 2. He should have a good head. 3. He should have good power of speech. 4. He should have a good voice. 5. He should have good memory. 6. He should be sure of what he means to say. 7. He should be ready to stake body and life, goods and glory on it's truth. 8. He should know when to stop. 9. He should study diligently. 10.He should allow himself to be vexed and criticised by every one. -Martin Luther- Quality of Preaching ///////////////// A minister suddenly called away and unable to officiate at the Christmas services in his own church, entrusted his new assistant with the duty. When he returned home, he asked his wife what she thought of the young man's sermon. "The poorest I have ever heard" she said. "Nothing in it at all. It didn't even make sense." Later that day the minister upon meeting his assistant, asked him how he had managed. "Fine sir, absolutely wonderful," he said. "I didn't have time to prepare anything myself, so I preached one of your old sermons." -Source Unknown- Quotes on Preaching ///////////// "We need more candid preaching and less can-died preaching." -Herschel Ford- "Soft soap in the pulpit will not cleanse the sinners in the pew." -Unknown- "Preaching is not telling what we have done but what God has done." -Dr. Tom Walker- "I like to hear a man preach like he were fighting bumble-bees." -Abraham Lincoln- "Modern preaching tends to cause people to vegetate instead of consecrate." -Roy Laurin- "Rash preaching disgusts; timid preaching leaves poor souls fast asleep; bold preaching is the only preaching that is owned of God." -Rowland Hill- "The preacher who is convicted of sin and failure by his own sermon is preaching the gospel." -Ram's Horn- "If a minister's message is not filled with "Thus saith the Lord," then as a sermon it is good for nothing but to be trodden under the foot of the specialists in the department with which it deals." -John Gerstner- "The shepherd's duty is to find the sheep, fold the sheep, feed the sheep, and fleece the sheep."-Herschel Hobbs- "The pastor should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." - Unknown- "Pray for illumination-use you imagination-go for illustration- but beware of exaggeration." -Unknown- "A prepared messenger is more important than a prepared message." -Dr. Robert Munger- "More preachers die with broken hearts than from swelled heads." -The Clarion- "If a man sleeps under my preaching, I do not send someone to wake him up, but I feel someone needs to come and wake me up." -Dr. Henry Ward Beecher- PASTOR AND HIS WORK////// OUR PASTOR NEVER STOPS Occasionally someone will say,"Our pastor never stops to visit in our home." If the pastor never stops at your home, you probably should thank God. It means death has not struck, that no serious illnesses have laid you low, that the surgeon's knife has not been necessary, that you have had no serious family problem, or that you are not a spiritually delinquent member. As a rule, your pastor does not have time for "social calls." It is not that he doesn't want to nor that he would not enjoy doing so, it is simply a matter of priorities.....putting first things first. Your pastor does not have time to do everything he would like to do. However, you may be sure of this: your pastor is willing to come to the hospital, or your home, the jail, the street corner, or anywhere at any hour of the day or night when he is needed. Call him if you need him. Otherwise, he will not know of your need until it is too late. For the moment, thank God you have not needed him. One day you will need him and he will be there when you call. Now he is visiting with someone else who does need him. -Source unknown- PASTOR AND HIS WORK////////// AUNT MARY AND THE PASTOR Aunt Mary, fell flat for the new Pastor Spratt, His scholarship surely did win her. His ethical spiel had a pull and appeal For this dear, simple gullible sinner. Why the Bible had errors! Black hell with its terrors, She could see now, was nothing but libel. So with scissors and knife, with anger quite rife, She proceded to doctor her Bible. So Jonah and the whale(?)and the "Genesis tale," The "folklore" and "myth" were extracted. She cut and she clipped, she erased, tore and snipped, As she list to those essays protracted. But now she must quit, and quietly sit And gaze at her pastor lover. Of her Bible bereft, she has nothing left But a MAP, two fly-leaves and a COVER. P.K. Kadey PASTOR AND HIS WORK/////////// What I Owe My Pastor REVERENCE- I owe my pastor reverent attention as the ambassador of God sent to teach men a better way of living. AFFECTION- I owe my pastor affection that he may be strengthened by the knowledge that the members of the church are with him in the bondsd of holy life and unity. TRUST- I owe my pastor trust that he may be free to serve the church unhampered by fault-finding. GENEROSITY- I owe my pastor generosity, that if his methods seem a little strange to me, I may not be narrow enough to insist that he change them. PRAYER- I owe it to my pastor to pray for him each day, that God may bless him and make his ministry a blessing. PROTECTION- I owe to my pastor the protection of kindly silence by refraining from repeating in his presence the slander or unkind gossip that would burden him and prevent him from doing his best work. AID- I owe it to my pastor to aid him in his preaching in that I not burden him before the services( or any time for that matter) with my personal gripes or disapprovals. This hinders the work of the Holy Spirit, for He is trying at this time to drive deep the burden for the lost. TIME- I owe to my pastor enough time to help in his work, when and where he leads me. ENCOURAGEMENT- I owe to my pastor encouragement when vexations and annoyances make his work difficult, or when he feels discouraged. APPRECIATION- I owe to my pastor a kindly word of appreciation when his ministry is especially helpful to me. CONSIDERATION- I owe it to my pastor not to interrupt and hinder his work with petty and unnecessary calls upon his time. ATTENTION- I owe it to my pastor the courtesy of attention when I go to church that he may not be annoyed by my careless actions. -Sawdust Trail- PASTOR AND HIS WORK///////// Sorry For the Preacher I feel sorry for the Preacher In a little country town; If he's no shining angel, All the gossips run him down. If he stays at home to study, He should go to see the sick. If he goes to a convention, Why, he doesn't work a lick. If he visits ailing ladies, He's a gad about and a flirt; If he dares to go a fishing, His good name's forever hurt. If he's boosting for the young folks, He's too modern --he's a clown; He won't preach old fashioned sermons Fit for such as Grandpa Brown. If he caters to the old folks, All the young will stay away; And they never ask God's blessing On him, when they kneel to pray. And the unbelieving farmers Ridicule his soft white hands, Hands that welcome sinners, And then teach them God's commands. Yes, I sympathize with the Preachers For they're human as can be, And I know they can't be perfect, For they make mistakes like me. -Pulpit Helps- PERSON DOING PREACHING///////// Our Pastor Who is the one we look to most, And who is always at his post; Who always greets us with a smile, And makes us feel that life's worthwhile. Our pastor. Who listens to our ups and downs And knows our faults but never frowns; Who never mentions his own cares; His troubles silently he bears? Our pastor. Who comes to see us when we're ill And helps to cure but sends no bill; Who marries off our lass and lad And comforts us when death makes sad? Our pastor. Who studies far into the night, And seeks God's will with all his might; Who thinks of others, not himself; Who works for souls and not for wealth? Our pastor. For many years he's been our guide, Our shepherd, always by our side; He helps uf feel that God is near And that we have no need to fear. (We love this man.) Our pastor. The one who helps him most is she Whose life from service is not free; She makes her life a part of his; She's loyal, and her husband is Our pastor. So we would honor them today And in a very special way Thank them for what they've done and been And thank God for this man of men- Our pastor. -Ethel B. Piercy- Quality In Preaching////////// "Preaching has become tasteless with nothing to chew on, like boneless chicken stewed in cream. Half of what is said cancels the other half and ends with nothing. The most popular shelf in the homiletic market is the baby food department. Strong meat is not popular because, as the writer to the Hebrews says, it belongs to the fullgrown and the discerning." --Dr. Vance Havner-- Resistance To Preaching///////// "God pity the preacher who has grown cross-eyed watching certain faces in his congregation to observe whether the message is acceptable or not. "The fear of man bringeth a snare"(Prov. 29:25). The chilly countenances of resentful listners who must not be disturbed have taken the heart our of more preachers than have all the infidels and higher critics." ---Dr. Vance Havner--- Response To Preaching/////// "Preaching the truth either makes people sad, mad, or glad. Too many people leave church on Sunday neither sad, mad, or glad; they go out as they came in. Better to out mad than just go out!" -Dr. Vance Havner- Spoiled Preaching////////////////// The person who refuses to hear the Bible on money stops his ears to God's voice. Money occupies a great place in our lives. There is nothing wrong with this if we will listen to what God has to say on the subject. In a message on the subject of money, D.L. Moody the evangelist, declared," I say make all the money you can." An eager listener shouted ,"Amen." Moody then said, "Save all the money you can." The eager listener shouted louder and said, "Amen brother you are really preaching." Then Mr. Moody said, "And I say give all the money you can for God's work." The listener all the sudden became disappointed and said: "You have gone and spoiled the sermon." Giving the truth spoils preaching to many listeners. Dr. E.J. Daniel's Choice Illustrations Straight Preaching//////////// "People do not like to be called to holiness and righteousness, and will not flock to the prophet who calls to a straight and narrow way. It cost to do that kindc of preaching." --Dr. Vance Havner-- Structure In Preaching////////////// A preacher once stood as he preached on the text where God said to Adam-"Where art thou?" The preacher said,"I am going to make three divisions of this text. First, every man has to be somewhere. Secondly, some men is where they ought not to be. Thirdly, they who are not where they should be, are going to find themselves where they don't want to be." -Selected- Studying For Preaching/////////// " Spurgeon fixed upon a text, and then, for many years gave it to his secretary, who was a minister, in his great library, saying "There is my text." Then that minister went through Spurgeon's library, which he had indexed for him, and brought everything that had any bearing on that text, and piled books all around him. Spurgeon took those books and read all those things, and then made his outline. That was his method. " --Dr. G. Campbell Morgan- Success in Preaching /////////////// Years ago I heard Dr.W.A. Criswell, who is the former Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, preach at a nationalconvention meeting. In his sermon on "The Secret of A Preacher's Power, he listed three characteristics of a great preacher; first, the preacher's dependence upon the Holy Spirit; second, his compassion for his people; thirdly, his life of deep and everlasting commitment. -Dr.Tom Walker- Women Preaching/////////// "A woman has as much right in the pulpit trying to preach as I have in the maternity ward of a hospital trying to have a baby. I guess I wasn't built for it! Dr. Jimmy Robbins Wife of Preacher/////////// THE PASTOR'S WIFE There is one person in our church Who knows our pastor's life, Who weeps and smiles and prays with him-- And that's the pastor's wife. The crowd has seen him in his strength, When yielding God's sharp sword, As underneath God's banner's folds He faced the devil's horde. But deep within her heart she knows That scarse an hour before, She helped him pray the glory down Behind the closet door. She's heard him groaning in his soul When bitter raged the strife, As, hand in hand , she knelt with him, For she's the pastor's wife. You tell your tales of prophets brave Who marched across the world And changed the course of history By burning words they hurled. And I will tell how back of each Some woman lived her life; Who wept with him and smiled with him- She was the pastor's wife! -Author Unknown- Working and Preaching////////// Two little boys were talking about their father's occupations. One was asked, "What does your Father do? The other said," He is a carpenter; he builds houses." When the preacher's son was asked the same question, he said "Oh, my father doesn't work, he's a preacher." Author Unknown A pastor lives, so to speak, where the rubber meets the road. Here are ten practical suggestions that will help you help him. 1. Don't heap upon him a major problem just before he stands up to preach. 2. Don't give a sympathetic ear to every little gripe or criticism of him. 3. Don't live your life so as to add to the heavy burden of concern he already carries. 4. Don't force him to do all of the calling and soul-winning. 5. Don't expect him to be the janitor, carpenter, painter, yard man, and general errand boy for the church. 6. Don't falsely assume that a preacher can't become discouraged by laziness, worldliness, indiffernce and luke-warmness among God's people. 7. Don't insult his by intelligence by supposing that he can't see through the shallow excuses offered. 8. Don't conclude that, because he deals strongly with your sins, he isn't aware of his ownd isn't seeking victory in his own life as well as he desires it in yours. 9. Don't get such an exal |