Text: Song of Solomon 2:1-17 esp. v.4 Introduction: In this account we have the story of a young woman who falls in love with an attractive man. The man is in love with the woman. She finds that he is a price. His royal suite becomes hers and she is invited into His chambers. He leads her into the banquet hall where there were a variety of royal foods that she had never know before meeting the person of royalty. Out of the kindness of the Kings heart, he brought her into His banqueting hall. Chapter 2:3 says, "I sat down with great delight." She was so delighted because she was a part of the festivity. She dined on danties. The Gospel is an invitation to the banquet hall of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. In Luke 14 Jesus used the invitation to salvation as an invitation to a Great Supper.
I. THE PREPARATION OF THE BANQUET It takes much planning and care to have a great feast as is pictured here in Solomons writings. The menu must be planned, invitations sent, and the banquet hall must be prepared. It is COSTLY to have such a great feast. Preparation was made before man was invited to the Gospel Banquet. See 1 Pet. 1:20. The plans were finished when Jesus cried on the cross, "It is finished." Men are invited to come to the Banquet Hall of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Rev. 22:17; Matt. 11:28); Mk. 10:13; Rev. 22:17). A. The Plan of The Father It was conceived in the council chamber of the Triune God. The plan involved surrender (Jn. 3:16) and brought salvation . B. The Price of The Son The blood of Christ is called "precious" blood in the Word of God (1 Pet. 1:7). It cost God greatly to issue this invitation. No price tag could be placed on the blood of Gods Son. 1. That price secures personal salvation 2. That price secures perpetual salvation The Father saw the travail of the Son upon the cross and was satisfied. The price Jesus paid was enough. C. The Pressure of the Spirit Because of mans rebellious nature there must be pressure exerted upon him for him to accept the Gospel invitation. He must be ALMOST forced. The Holy Spirit knows how to put the pressure on and how to influence us to accept the Gospel invitation. See Jn. 6:44.
II. THE INVITATION TO THE BANQUET Read the parable of the Gospel feast in Luke 14. A. Some Didnt Want It Three silly excuses were given. It wasnt that they could not go, they just didnt want to go. 1. I have bought a piece of land.(Land) 2. I have bought five oxen.(Labor) 3. I have married a wife. (Love) We are not responsible for what peoples reactions are to the Gospel invitation, but to give the invitation out to them. B. Some Wouldnt Miss It Lk. 14:21 speaks of the "poor, maimed, halt and blind." Those who didnt want the invitation did not actually see the need for them to come. These people (poor, maimed, halt, and blind) did not receive an invitation like this very often. They wouldnt miss the Kings provision. What are the two classes of people that would come? 1. The distressed- (the poor) 2. The disabled- (crippled, lame, blind) Note: Man spiritually is blind, lame, and crippled.
C. Some Couldnt Believe It Can you image what it would be like to be a tramp on the street, and then receive an invitation to a rich persons banquet? The pitiful characters in the highways and hedges are invited to come. Lk.14:23--"Compel" them to come in. It is a forceful word, but speaks of the force of loving persuasion. To many it seemed too good to be true. We need to feel that we need the Lord.
III. THE APPRECIATION OF THE BANQUET When seated at the table, the person there finds out there are many delightful and delicious items to eat. It is much better than the poor person even thought. A. First Course- Forgiveness of Sins (Eph. 1:7) If there is a need for forgiveness, we have wronged or offended another person. God is offended by what we are by birth- sinners. Those were sweet words when I heard Him say, "I forgive." B. Second Course- Peace of Heart (Phil 4:7) The world does not understand the peace we have. Our peace does not depend upon circumstances. Ill: Paul was in prison and still had a song. C. Third Course- Holiness of Life (1 Pet. 1:16) There are two ingredients to this portion: 1. Victory over sin. 2. Likeness to Christ. D. Fourth Course- Knowledge of Sin (Phil.3:10) We ought to know Him in our experience rather than know any more the control of sin. See. Dan.10:32. E. Fifth Course- Joy of Service (Ps.100:2) We should serve God not merely out of necessity, but because we WANT TO. Every time we do something for God, we should be glad because we "get to." E. Sixth Course- Gladness of Fellowship(1Jn.1:3) What wonderful fellowship we have with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. F. Seventh Course- The Love of the Scripture-Ps. 119:103 The Bible is a meal in itself. It is spoken of as bread, milk, water, meat and even honey. G. Eighth Course- Sufficiency For All (2Cor.9:8) There is never a shortage of what we need.
IV. THE DECORATION FOR THE BANQUET A. Decoration of the Guests They are dressed in white. See Matt. 22:12. White is a picture of the righteousness of Christ See 2 Cor. 5:21.
B. Decoration of the Room Song of Sol. 2:4 says, "His banner over me was love." If there was not a banquet, just the banner would be wonderful. Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you."
C. Decoration of the City Sometimes a king would decorate part of a city just right before a big banquet. The Lord has decorated a city for us. Walls are jasper, streets are gold, gates are pearl, the are other very precious stones in its foundation. Conclusion: Christians should not be discouraged or downhearted because we are brought into the banquet all of salvation. We can have fulness, sufficiency and plenty as we face life. SERMON FROM DR. TOM WALKER- ZION HILL BAPTIST--MARION, NC --USA |