Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


Text: 1 Cor.12:12-27


Between verses 12-27 the word "body" is used some 18 times.

The church is seen in the Bible in three main ways:
1. As a building- Eph.2:22
2. As A bride- Married to the Lord Jesus & awaiting the celebration in the sky
3. As a body

1 Cor. 12:13 informs us that we get into this body through Spirit baptism not by water baptism.

Called "members in particular" in v.27. Separate individuals make up this one great body.

A. Our Attachment To The Body
It is by one Spirit (the Holy Spirit)(v.13)

John the Baptist made a clear distinction between water baptism and Spirit baptism (See Mk.1:8).

B. Our Appointment In The Body
We do not all function in the same capacity nor in the same place. We have different functions but we are all in the same body. All members of a body are necessary.

What will hinder the body from functioning correctly:
1. An Envious Spirit- (See v. 22)
2. A Superior Spirit- (See v.21)
3. A Discouraged Spirit- (See v.15)

C. Our Affect In The Body (See v.26)
The entire body can hurt when something is wrong with one part of it. There is one body but many members.

The limbs must have life flowing through them. If not the limbs will be paralyzed.

A. Christ Is Our Life (Col. 3:4) (Compare Jn. 10:10)

B. The Spirit Is Our Life (Gal.5:25)
It is only through Him we can be competent and capable in the work of the Lord. He puts people in the body with different gifts. A talent is not a spiritual gift. They are something God gives.

What is your place in the body?
1. As a mouth- All of us can testify of the grace of God.

2. As a hand- That means helping others by good deeds.

3. As a shoulder- That suggests helping others carry burdens.

4. As a foot- Go about here and there serving the Lord.

5. As a nose- Keen sense of smell. Detect false doctrine and heresy.

6. As a knee- An outstanding person in the ministry of prayer.

Serve for the good of the welfare of the entire body.

From the day of Pentecost until the rapture, the Holy Spirit will be perfecting and forming a bride. He is gathering this bride in the field of the world. When the Lord Jesus comes back in the air, the purpose of God in this day of grace will be completed --that being--to gather from this world a body, called the church.

A. The Body Will Be Complete In Number
One day, when the last member of the body of the Christ is placed in that body, the people of God will be gathered home.

B. The Body Will Be Perfected In Its Condition
There will be no spots or wrinkles

1. No delicate limbs- some of us more feeble than others.

2. No broken limbs- Some members of body seem to be fractured and need resetting.

3. No scarred limbs- Sometimes a Christian may tumble off into sin. God forgives sin but does not always erase the consequences in this life.

4. No missing limbs- Jesus is not coming for a deformed body. It will be complete, whole with nothing missing.


A. The Head Needs The Body
The brain has to have a body to carry out its purposes.

B. The Members Need The Head
We cannot have guidance without impulses from the head. What if every member of your body did what it pleased and did not listen to the head?


What a privilege to be a part of the body of Christ. Get into the body and find your place in the church.



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