Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

In The Building

Text: 1 Pet. 2:1-5

Introduction:The apostle Peter in verses 4-5 likens the believer to a living stone who has come to a "Greater Stone." That "Greater Stone of course is the Lord Jesus Christ. Believers make up one great spiritual house. We are not an occupant in the house but a vital part of the spiritual house mentioned. We are made a part of the spiritual house not by construction but by position. All the saved are a part of this spiritual house.

All that are in this spiritual building are:


Every building to stand must have a good foundation.

Christ is the "Stone" upon which we build. He is a:

A. Living Stone (v.4) (Cp. 1 Cor.3:11) (Matt.16:15)

The church was not built necessarily on Peter or even the testimony of Peter, but upon Christ Himself. When we believe by faith, when we rely upon Christ, we are on a "sure" foundation.

B. Rejected Stone (See Mk. 12:10)

The Pharisees thought they saw a crack in the stone. They said, "Crucify Him." However, the Father brought Him to the raised position of being the "Head of the Corner." The Pharisees were "ignorant experts." Prejudice and unbelief had blinded their eyes.

C. Precious Stone ( 1 Pet. 2:6)

There Jesus is called- "elect and precious." He is precious, He is regarded with high esteem and admiration by His people.

D. Stumbling Stone (1 Pet. 2:8)

People do one of two things with Christ-they trust Him or trip over Him. A personal relationship with Christ is the only way to keep from tripping over Him.

E. A Trustworthy Stone (v.6)

"He that believeth on him shall not be confounded."

You can trust Christ to do what He says.

F. A Corner Stone

Cp. Eph. 2:14--Jew and Gentile are united through our one "Great Cornerstone." It is not denomination ties that bind us but Christ.


There are two key words in the passage in 1 Pet. 2:4.

A. Coming-

1 Pet. 2:4 "to whom coming" cp. Matt. 11:28

Any one who has not come to Christ is outside of this great spiritual building.

1. Remember your condition when you came?

Our hearts were dead, cold, and lifeless.

2. Remember your confrontation when you came?

By faith you trusted the Lord of glory.

3. Remember your change when you came?

"Old things have passed away...all things are become new."

B. Living-

We become living stones only when we come into contact with the Great Massive Stone, the Lord Jesus. It is not dope, booze, and other worldly stimulants that being real life. It is Jesus!

The bricklayer decides where the brick is to be placed in the building. The brick does not request to be put in the structure.

The bricklayer has two main tools. First, the trowel and the second is his hand. The trowel is supposed to have a sharp edge.

We should learn to glory in our tribulations (Rom 5:3). That will help us to be a blessing and help to others.

A. The position God has for us might be a conspicuous one.

God may put you in a place of great leadership demands. If you are serving in an inconspicuous place, prayer for those who are in the conspicuous places. Pray for God to deliver them from pride and a downfall. Downfalls bring disgrace and dishonor to God.

B. The position God has for you might be an ordinary place.

Most of us are not made over that much and might not be plagued by the many admiring glances of others, but to be in the building and in the right place is what counts.

C. The position God has for you may be a hidden place.

Others may not see your work of faith and labor of love, but God does. That is what matters the most!

There are problems that face even this great building that we have been thinking about.

A. Danger of fierce onslaught

"the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"

B. Danger of a destructive atmosphere

Ill.: Salt water around the coast and the damage it does. Brings our some kind of corrosive element in the air. If we will fellowship with Christ, we can overcome the danger that is in the world. Get into a heavenly atmosphere to live in this dangerous atmosphere.

C. Danger of loose connection

Stay in your place. Pray, read your Bible, and go to church.

We that are God’s children by faith ought to avoid snares and traps. Do not take lightly you are a part of God’s spiritual building. We are still under construction, but one day the last part will be added.


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