Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

In The Faith

Text: 2 Cor. 13:5-10


When we became a Christian we were brought into some things that we need to be fully aware of in life. They key verse of this passage is verse 5. There are three words should examine in this passage: REPROBATE ----EXAMINE----PROVE.

Many were regarding Paul as a heretic, so Paul sought to let them know they were seeking to do something that was wrong. They needed to be their own faith on trial- to see if it is genuine or not.

That examination is to be continual, personal, essential, and universal.

Note the phrase- "in the faith."

So many people seek to do Christian work that have never become Christians (SS teachers, preachers, etc). It is hard to lead others where we have not been ourselves. Being in the faith means:

A. True Understanding (see. 1 Cor. 2:14).
You cannot have true understanding of the things of God unless you are "in the faith."

B. Wonderful Protection (see Jn. 17:15).
Corinth was a wild and wicked city. How could a person surrounded with sensuality, frolicking, and fleshliness really be a Christian in a city like that? 1 Cor.1 :2 says they were"In Christ."

C. Real Satisfaction (see Ps. 107:9).
Worldly avenues that are supposed to find it lead down "dead-end" streets. The things of the world do not bring real satisfaction.


It is not enough just to be saved. Are you making progress? Are you developing and advancing as a Christian? Go deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus.

A. If Just In, You Will Miss Much In The Way of Experience

B. If Just In, You Are In A Risky Place (See Heb. 5:1)



God does not save us just to take us to heaven but to get others ready to go there as well.

How do we get others in?

A. Bring Them To Church

B. Show Them A Better Way of Life

C. Talk To God About Others

Others, yes Lord others, let this my motto be, help me to live for others, so I might live like thee.


Are you really "in" throught Christ' faith "in Christ?"

How far are you in? Go deeper, get stronger, be better and wiser.

Are you seeking to get others in?

Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker- Zion Hill Baptist Church
Marion, NC - USA


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