Text: Ps.40:1-4 Introduction: In our society we face a growing pessimism about the condition and improvement of everything around us. We are undoutably in difficult days but those who know the Lord have no reason to be gloomy. Rather, we should be singing unto the Lord. It was a dark night in the jail at Phillipi (Acts 16). The prayer and sang praises to God in the midnight hour, though their bodies were beaten and bruised. The undesirable circumstances did not destroy or prevent the song of Paul and Silas. Singing is referred to over 300 times in the Bible. It must be important. We can all make a "joyful noise" unto the Lord. See Isa. 40:9. Lets think for a while about Gods choir.
I. ITS MEMBERS They sing because God has given a song. He has put in our mouths. Gods choir is the most famous in the universe and is booked to give recitals and sing forever in eternity. There are certain qualifications you have to meet to be in Gods choir: A. Its Members Must Be "Brought Out" See Ps. 40:2. 1. Out Of The Miry Clay The longer a person stays in quick sand the deeper they sink. 2. Out Of A Horrible Pit He may have had in mind the bottle neck dungeon outside the wall of ancient Jerusalem, where the prisoner is lowered down into the dungeon. The only way for he prisoner to get our is for someone to lower something down to get the prisoner out. We have been taken from the mire to the choir and from the pit to sit in heavenly places in Christ. B. Its Members Are Set Up v.2, "Set my feet upon a rock." A "rock" is a symbol of strength and stability. Saved folks are on a firm footing. What a glorious place to be! Christ is the Rock on which we stand. All other ground in sinking sand. C. Its Members Are Held Up v.2 "Established my goings." We are not merely holding on, we are held onto. See Ps. 119:117. 1. Held up by Divine favor-Grace 2. Held up by Divine faithfulness-Grip
D. Its Members Are Tuned Up Our song is not that of the world, it is a "new" song. The new born soul requires a new song.
II. THE MASTER We have a choir leader. A. All Eyes Are Upon Him It is a fundamental rule that for a choir to perform at its peak, the members must get its timing, its rhythm, and its word emphasis from the choir leader. That is why the instrumentalists and those who sing look to the choir leader. 1. There Are So Many Times I Feel I Know What To Do But Need To Know When To Do It. (We have a heavenly leader.) 2. There Are Many Times We Need To Know What To Emphasize And What Not To Emphasize. (If our Heavenly Choir Leader leads, then we will not put the emphasis in the wrong place). B. All Voices Are Under His Command He may ask the voices to get louder or softer, he may have one person to do a solo and the others to back him or her up on the chorus, or he may feel the song or part of the song should be sung again. The choir leader is not just another one of the boys, he is the leader. See 1 Jn. 5:3. We are loyal to our leader because we do not want to let Him down. It is love in our hearts. He misses one voice when he does not hear it.
III. ITS MUSIC "HE HATH PUT A NEW SONG IN MY MOUTH." A. The Voices Must have good voices- bass, tenor, alto, and soprano. All four parts bring out the best in a choir. Voices are diverse- some high, others are low. Our lives are not all the same, we are diverse, but that complements Gods choir. Four things brings out the most in our voices: 1. Keep in trim (or in shape) The voice must be cared for daily. Can become harsh and raspy. Loses resonance if not properly cared for in life. The oil of grace keeps our lives in shape. 2. Keep in tune Some folks want to sing but cannot sing in tune or cannot harmonize. It can hinder the effect of the choir. Many professing Christians are not in tune and hinder the rest of the choir. The key is giving yourself completely and wholly to God. 3. Keep in time Stay together. Dont go too fast or too slow. We either spiritually run ahead of God or lag behind Him. 4. Keep in team Choir singing is not an individual effort. It is not a solo normally, it is a team effort. The choir should not try to out sing one another. We are not in a state of competition but co-operation. We need to try to be in harmony with the rest of the choir members.
B. The Practice See Rev. 14:3. Our choir practice should be held at the foot of the cross. We are to constantly refamiliarize ourselves with what we already know.
C. The Theme v.3 "even praise unto our God" There should be much praise for redeeming love.
IV. THE CHOIRS MONEY You might say, "Well, the choir is not paid." Spiritual recompense does not come in dollars and cents. God will reward his choir members one day. A. Effect On Those Who Sing It v.3 says, "many shall see it" You can see reality bursting out on the faces of many who sing in the choir. A singing heart leads to a shining countenance.
B. Effect On Those Who See It V.3 says, "many shall see it and fear, and trust the Lord." The early church took knowledge of those disciples that they had been with Jesus. People take notice of that which is unusual and out of the ordinary. CONCLUSION: 1. It pays to be in Gods choir. 2. Get rid of depression, gloom, and let the Spirit of God fill your heart with joy. SERMON FROM DR. TOM WALKER- |