Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

In The Vine

Text: Jn. 15:1-14 esp.v5

Many figures are give in the Word of God to describe Christ's relationship with His people. In this message we are going to think about being being "In the Vine." We are not tied onto the Vine, or wrapped around Christ (the True Vine) but are" IN the Vine."

We grow fruit as branches because of the Vine (Christ Jesus) that we are in through faith.

When did that happen? The moment we savingly believed on Christ.

A. The Intimate Union

B. The Flowing Sap
Sap is essential in the life of a vine. See Eph. 5:18. Sap is a picture of what the Holy Ghost does in the believer. What hinders the sap from flowing in our lives?
1. Defection 2. Disobedience 3. Deficient Love

C. The Withered Branch (v.6)
See Rom. 8:9. A true branch is not dry and quickly combustible, because it has sap on the inside. A dead branch is an immitation branch. See 1 Jn. 2:19.

D. The Continuing Life (v.5-6)
See Acts 2:42.
Compare v.7 with v.10. "Abiding" and "obeying" seem to be one in the same thing, or at least connected to one another.

"Abide"= to have a happy, conscious fellowship of our union with Him.

See verse 2.

A. The Knife Used
1. The cutting edge of conviction (Heb. 4:12) (1 Jn. 15:3)
Often God uses His Word to prune us.

2. The cutting edge of circumstances (Rom.8:28)
It may involve the loss of some material thing, some great sorrow, a loss of a loved one, loss of a friend, or some misunderstanding that developes between friends. He can use constant sickness and pain.

B. The Purpose Expressed
We are to go from fruit (v.2), to more fruit(v.2), to much fruit(v.5), and then our fruit is to remain(v.8).

The end of all fruit bearing is that God might be glorified and not us. He is to be highly honored. Can God get glory out of what you are doing?

C. The Hand Visualized
According to verse one the father of the Lord Jesus is the vine-dresser or the pruner. It is easier to bear the knife when we see whose hand is holding it. His hand is a:

1. Charitable hand (not want to cause needless pain)
2. Cautious hand (never makes mistake or wrong move)
3. Competent hand (hand of greatest skill)

What our Heavenly Father does may seem to hurt us but it does not harm us.

See Jn. 15:16.

What fruit does Jesus see in our lives? There are various varieties of fruit that should be seen.

A. The Fruit of Service (cp. Jn. 4:35-37)

B. The Fruit of Character (cp. Rom. 6:22)

C. The Fruit of Prayer (cp. Jn. 15:7)

D. The Fruit of the Spirit (cp. Gal. 5:22-23)

We should not be satisfied until Christ has absolute sway over us.

Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker- Zion Hill Baptist Church
Marion, NC - USA


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