Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

In The World

Text: Jn. 17:1-16 esp.v.15


The sobering reality is, although we are in Christ, we are still in the world. God has chosen to leave us here. He has something for us to do. We are saved to serve to His honor and glory. He has a purpose and plan for us in the world.

Jesus does not forbid us to enjoy the created world.

We also should not think that the Bible forbids us not to carry our message into this world system. We are to "Go into all the world."

The world Jesus speaks about not loving is described by W.E. Vine as "The present condition of human affairs, in alienation to and in opposition to God."

Another has said the world is, "A system, an order, an arrangement, headed up by a master-mind (Satan)."



The world system is a hostile atmosphere for the dedicated child of God. It is antagonistic. The system is unfriendly to the person who loves Christ and seeks to do His will.

The three mains sources of opposition we have comes from three sources: 1. The world 2. The flesh 3. The Devil.

We have all the protection we need in Christ.

A. The Master’s Prayers Surrounds Us

See Jn. 17:15 -"I pray that thou shouldest keep them from evil."

The word "keep" is translated in other places in the following ways: (preserved- Jude 1) reserved (1 Pet.1:4).

Compare Matt. 6:13; Jn. 17:9; Jn. 17:20.

The angel of the Lord of the Old Testament (The Lord Jesus Christ) is still able to deliver us as He did those of olden days.

Illustration: 2 Kings 6:17- What Elisha’s servant saw.


B. The Master’s Prouncement Encourages Us

See Jn. 16:33. The word "overcome" here is a perfect tense verb. That means completed action with results still following.

Compare 1 Jn. 5:4. As we trust his finished work and have personal trust in His overcoming for us, we can claim His victory as our victory.

Illustration: Water beetle has a normal environment above the ground. It can live in the bottom of a pond of water. It can weave around itself a bubble of air, so that while it is in its unnatural surroundings, it can live and exist. We can be in Christ and through Him experience protection from this evil world system that is around us. We are "in" the world, but not "of" the world.



We should not have anything to do with frustrating His plan. Our purpose in this world is given in two different ways in the Sermon on the Mount.

A. We Are The Salt of The Earth

Matt. 5:13 "Ye are the salt of the earth."

Salt does two main things:

1. It holds back corruption and rot.

Ill.----Use a lot of salt on an old ham. It hinders the decaying process of the meat.

We can not get rid of all the corruption that is around us in morals, government, and other things, but we can through godly lives hold it somewhat in check. God’s people can slow it down.

2. Salt adds flavor.

The world may be without taste, but we can season and spice it up for the glory of God. Show others that life can be meaningful and worthwhile.


B. Ye Are The Light of The World

Matt. 5:14 " Ye are the light of the world."

The world is not only a corrupt place; it is a dark place. It needs more light. That is what the Lord has left us here in this world. The world wanders in darkness, not knowing where it is going.

The light we give forth is not our own, rather, it is a reflected light. The moon reflects the light of the sun, so do we reflect the light of the Son of God.

Keep your face toward the Son of Righteousness.

See Mal. 4:2.

Since so many lives are shipwrecking, we have to take part of the blame for not reflecting the light of Christ as we should.




There are two things to pay special attention to in this passage. v.11 (in the world) compare v.14 (not of the world)

See Romans 12:2. We are not to be "conformed to this world." We are not to have the likeness or the similarity of the ungodly. We are not to have the same way of living.

Some of the marks of the world are as follows:

A. The Love of Position

A high position is not wrong. More important is how we get the position and how we use it when we have it.

Some folks besetting sin is ambition. They love the position they have so much the will do anything to get it and keep it.

If you lost your position that you have, would you still want to be a part of the church, and love everyone in it?


B. The Love of Possession

Money is not wrong to possess if you get it the right way and use it properly. Abraham was a rich man, but he was called the "Friend of God."

Joseph of Arimathaea was a rich man, but he used his wealth to minister to the needs of the crucified Savior.

Money is not evil--it is the "love of money" that is evil (1 Tim. 6:10).

Loving possessions kept the rich young ruler from following Jesus.

It may have helped turn Demas aside (2 Tim. 4:10).

C. The Love For Pleasure

It is beneficial for us to relax and have some leisure.

Pleasure is good as long as:

It is the right kind, in the right place, at the right time, in the right proportion.

Pleasure accounts for one dollar spend out of every eight dollars in America.

D. The Love of Popularity

Compare Gal. 1:10. Many people compromise their convictions to be popular with the world.

CONCLUSION:We are not to fear the world, fail in the world, and follow the world. Eph. 2:2 tells us that following the course of this world is to be a thing of the past in our lives. We that are saved have changed courses and direction. Jesus said in Jn. 2:15, "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.. On the other hand, you can assume that if a person does not love the world, then the love of the Father IS IN HIM.



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