Text: (Ps.1 19:113-120) Text.v.1 17 Hold: latch onto, to have in the grip of, embrace, hug, cherish, Treat as a Treasure 1. THE REQUEST (Hold Me) A. Personal Request (hold ME) B. Heavenly Request (hold THOU me) What was the Reason the Psalmist wanted to be Held? 1. He was among: Empty People v.113 (people with Vain, empty thoughts) 2. He was among: Evil People v.115 (evildoers) 3. He was among: Erring People v.118 (all them that err) 2. THE RESULT (and I shall be safe) v.117 I Shall be Safe: No Doubt No Uncertainity What would he be Safe from? A. From All Foes v.119 (all the wicked of the earth) B. From All Falsehood v.118 (their deceit is falsehood) C. From the Flesh v.120 (my flesh) Every person has a Desire for Someone to HOLD THEM. The only one that can HOLD US IS JESUS The only one that can HOLD US UP IS JESUS The only one that can HOLD US SAFE IS JESUS The only one that can HOLD US FOREVER IS JESUS |