Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Funeral Messages by Carl Johnson
Two Ways To Die
All of us must die — Hebrews 9:27; Romans 5:12
There are two ways to die:
I. YOU CAN DIE IN YOUR SINS — John 8:21, 24.
The person who does not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and dies unsaved will die in his sins, and Jesus said he could
not go where He is. Many people have died in their sins and
are now in torment and will be in hell forever. Listen to the
testimonies of some of them.
Thomas Paine — he would call out during his paroxysms of
distress, without intermission, "0 Lord, help me. God, help me!
Jesus Christ, help me!" repeating the same expressions without
the least variation, in a tone that would alarm the house. "I
would give worlds if I had them," he cried, "if The Age of
Reason had never been published."
Voltaire — for three months, remorse, reproach and blasphemy,
all accompanied and characterized the long agony of
the dying atheist, His death, the most terrible that is ever recorded
to have stricken an impious man, will not be denied
even by his companions in impiety. In spite of all the infidel
philosophers who flocked around him, he gave signs of wishing
to return to the God he had so often blasphemed. In plaintive
accents he would cry out, "0 Christ! 0 Jesus Christ!" and then
complain that he was abandoned by God and man. His physicians,
thunder-struck, retired, declaring the death of the man to
be terrible indeed. In one of his visits, the doctor found him in
the greatest agony, exclaiming with utmost horror, "I am abandoned
by God and man." He then said, "Doctor, I will give
you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months'
life." The doctor answered, "Sir, you cannot live six weeks."
Voltaire replied, "Then I shall go to hell," and soon after, he
Queen Elizabeth — "All my possessions for a moment of
II. YOU CAN DIE IN THE LORD — Revelation 14:13.
The person who receives the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal
Lord and Saviour will die in the Lord and will be in heaven
forever. Listen to the testimonies of some of those who have
died in the Lord.
Billy Bray — To one of his old friends who, a few hours
before his death, asked him if he had any fear of death, or of
being lost, he said: "What? Me fear death? Me lost? Why,
my Saviour conquered death. If I was to go down to hell, I
would shout 'Glory! Glory!' to my blessed Jesus, until I made
the bottomless pit ring again, and the miserable old Satan would
say, 'Billy, this is no place for thee; get thee back!' Then up to
heaven I should go shouting 'Glory! Glory! Praise the Lord.'"
A little later he said, "Glory!" — which was his last word.
D. L. Moody — "Earth recedes; heaven opens before me!"
Catherine Booth — "The waters are rising, but so am I. I
am not going under, but over. Don't be concerned about your
dying, only go on living well, and the dying will be all right."
Her last words were spoken to the General: "Till the day
breaks and the shadows flee away."
Which way will you die? As for me, I say with one of old,
"Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be
like his" (Numbers 23:10).

Site created by Tom Walker