Precious Things Are Ours There are many "precious" things found in the Bible. The word "precious" has in mind "something of high honor, or great worth or value." The word is translated several ways in the New Testament. It is rendered as "honorable" in Heb.13:4, where it is used in reference to the marriage bond. Marriage is to be held in high esteem. Let me remind you of several "precious" things in the Bible. I. The Thoughts of God Are Precious. See Psalm 139:17. His thoughts are above our thoughts and His ways above our ways (Isa. 55:8). We do not know Gods thoughts, but He does know ours. Gods thoughts are beyond our thoughts and are more important. They are of greater value and worth than our own. It is amazing that God would even think of us at all, but we are on His mind. II. The Death of The Saints Is Precious. See Psm.116:15. "How precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." We are precious to Jesus both in life and in death. Death is viewed as precious to the Lord because through that avenue we move into the eternal presence of God. Unless Jesus comes very soon, there is no other way to depart and be with Him, without the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. III. The Blood of Christ Is Precious. 1 Pet. 1:19 speaks of the "Precious blood of Christ." Sometimes we say the soul of man is the greatest thing in the world. No doubt the soul of man is of great value, but I believe the greatest thing in this life is the blood that Jesus offered as the atonement for mans sin. If it were not for His blood, man would have no hope of heaven and the glory of the heavenly world to come. IV. The Person of Christ is Precious. Look at 2 Pet.1:4 which says, "Unto you which believe, He is precious." Lost people do not have the respect and sense of worth in regard to Christ that the saints do. You and I, who have been redeemed, realize that He did for us what no one else in this world had the authority and power to do- to forgive sins. V.The Promises of God Are Precious. 2 Pet.1:4 speaks of, "Exceeding great and precious promises." Gods promises are so great because they are completely reliable and trustworthy. We have based our whole present life and eternal state on what the Bible has to say about sin, salvation, and the far distant future. When you are discouraged, downhearted and bereaved, get hold of a promise from the Bible and you will find it precious. |
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