ADAM & EVE I. ADAM: Type of Christ. There is special significance attached to the emphatic New Testament statement, ...Adam...is the figure of Him that was to come" (Romans 5:14). This is evident because of the 560 times the Hebrew word "adham," from which it is derived, occurs in the Old Testament The ONLY case outside of the first five chapters of Genesis where Adam UNQUESTIONABLY is a proper name s in I Chronicles 1:1 . In the other cases, it carries the thought of man' or 'mankind'. Hence, there have been many who argued that the record of man's creation in Genesis 1 :26-27 referred, NOT to an INDIVIDUAL but TO a "species." This is mentioned here because of a very obvious fact that if the Genesis account relates only to the creation of a human "species," then ADAM (mankind) could NOT be a type of Christ. The INDIVIDUALITY of Adam must be demonstrated if such can be a TRUE iy~n of our Lord. Aside from the very sound arguments which ma,* be deduced from the Genesis account itself, the Holy Spint speaking through Paul declares ADAM to have been a distinct INDIVIDUAL who, in a sense elsewhere ascertained, was A FIGURE (type) of Him Who was to come." (i.e. Christ). A. Type of Christ in CHARACTER. 1. "So God created man in His own IMAGE (Genesis1:27; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3) B. Type of Christ in His AUTHORITY. 1. "...have DOMINION..." (Genesis 1 :28; see Psalm 8:6 and Hebrews 2:5-8) C. Type of Christ in RESPONSIBILITY. 1. "...MULTIPLY and REPLENISH the earth" (Genesis 1:28) a. Become Head of a race by NATURAL GENERATION. b. Become Head of a new race by SUPERnatural REgeneration. (Hebrews 2:9-1 7; Ephesians 1:22; 4:15; 5:23) D. Type of Christ in his PROGENY. 1. "And Adam...begat a son in his OWN likeness, after his image..." (Genesis 5:3) a. Adam thus passed onto the race of NATURALLY born men a SINFUL and DEATHFUL life. (Romans 5:12) 2. "...we shall also bear the IMAGE of the heavenly," that is, Christ. (I Corinthians 1 5:47:49) a. Thus, He passed on to the new race of SUPERnaturally REborn men a SINLESS and DEATHLESS life. (I John 5:10-1 4) E. Type of Christ in OUTREACH. 1. "... in Adam ALL DIE,...in Christ shall ALL BE MADE ALIVE." (I Corinthians 1 5:22)a. This relates to a universal resurrection. (1) They that have done evil, the unsaved, unto the resurrection of damnation. (John 5:29) F. Type of Christ in that HE CAME FROM GOD. 1. He was God's special gift to the entire creation. (I John 4:10)G. Type of Christ in HIS PERSONALITY. 1. He was the express image of God. 2. He was created in the image and likeness of the Almighty.3. Christ was the "fullness of the Godhead bodily." (Hebrews 1:3) H. Type of Christ in His PURITY. 1. He was without spot or stain. 2. He was pure in character and perfect in Holiness. (Hebrews 7:26) I.Type of Christ in HIS WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. J. Type of Christ in that HE WENT INTO A DEEP SLEEP. 1. It was God who called him forth out of that sleep (type of death). II. ADAM: Hebrew word, Aw-dawm'.A. MEANING OF NAME: Man; a red man; ruddy; flush or turn rosy; to show blood (in the face); a human being; an individual; a multiplying low, man (mean, of low degree); of the ground; derived from a word meaning ground from whence he was made. 1. The name Adam occurs some 560 times in the Old Testament with the meaning of mankind. B. Principle Bible References: Genesis 1:26; 2:15-5:5; Job 31:33; Romans 5:12; I Corinthians 15:22, 45; I Timothy 2:13. C. TYPOLOGY: A type of Christ; a type of the natural man. In studying Bible characters we know that they were not perfect men. 1. Type of Christ: As head of a race. a. A close parallelism is established between Adam and Christ, the second Adam. (I Corinthians 15:21-22,45b, 47b) (1) The first was earthly and the second was heavenly. (2) The first came in life, giving death. (3) The second came for death to impute life; was great in strength, but came in weakness. (John 19) b. In his relationship to Eve, Adam became a partaker of Eve sin, the same as Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5) c. The first Adam was sinless at the start; a figure of Him that was to come. (Romans 5:14) 2. Type of the natural man: In a fallen state. a. Death to all members of the first family because their father died.b. Adam's spiritual death. (Genesis 2:1 7; 3:7; James 2:26) c. The entire race (man) and the fact that restoration needs to be made. (Psalms 8:5-6; Hebrews 2:7-8; Romans 5:12, 17-19; I Corinthians 15:45a-47a)d. There are only two men in God's sight, the first Adam and the second Adam. e. The New Testament regards Adam as father of the whole human race. (1) The new man makes sin his own. f. Adam's primitive condition would be shared by all men, based on his work. (Genesis 2:8-25) (1) All men would die. (Genesis 2:17; 3:17) D. THE PURPOSE: To teach the necessity of complete obedience and dependency upon the one over you. (Genesis 2:16-17; Romans 8:16-1 7) 1. We should obey our maker and our life-giver. a. Man was both a made and created being. (Genesis 2:7) (1) Formed; made from pre-existing material; the dust. (2) Breathed; created; of. (Genesis 1:27) (3) No previous existing material. (Genesis 1:26-27) 2. Image: Likeness in character. a. Character has no form. (1)The Spirit was the image of God. (a) Our bodies are in the likeness of earthly Adam. (b) The first birth is our new creation. (c) The second birth is our spirit. b. We are to be like Christ, the second Adam. E. PICTURE OF SALVATION. 1. THE COMMAND: Salvation based on complete obedience. (Genesis 2:16-1 7) a. Adam was sinless at the first part of his life. (Galatians 5:16) b. The commandment was to be maintained. (Romans 7:10) 2. THE CRISIS: Obedience must follow the command, but it is confronted with temptation. (Genesis 3:1-6) a. Temptation calls for a decision to be made. b. There are only two ways to go. (1)Will Adam justify self by making his own decision? (2)Will he submit to the obedience of God's will? c. Our daily decisions, when made for self, de-throne the glory of Christ. 3. THE RESULT: The fall, death. a. Every decision brings results. (Genesis 3:7) (1)In the exercise of Adam's own will, ...the man is become as one of us..." (Genesis 3:22) (2) This was not what God had planned; God's will was the only one to be obeyed. (3) God was driven away. (4) Two wills cannot be exercised unless both agree. (Amos 3:3) (5) The eyes of both were opened because the whole body had sinned. b. Another crisis was self-justification. (Genesis 3:7) c. The whole world was cursed from the sin of man. (Genesis 3:1 7) d. The fall was the grounds of Christ's redemption. 4. CONVICTION: Self-justification will last among men. a. Adam and Eve had no trouble among themselves, but it did not last. ~. THE CALL: The second question in the Bible. (Genesis 3:9)
6. THE ANSWER: Confession; naked (though they were dressed). a. He was acknowledging his shame. (Genesis 3:10) b. Even though it was the woman's fault, he had to still confess. "...I did eat. (Genesis 3:12) F. SALVATION TAUGHT BY SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT. 1. Salvation is provided for all those who take this position. a. Acknowledge their position and receive what they are unable to do. (1) That salvation is all of God's grace. (Genesis 3:21) 2. The law of substitution was given to Adam and it was passed on to his sons. (Genesis 4:4-5) 3. Exhibition of Divine mercy to come. a. They were saved but not removed from the curse caused by their sin. (Genesis 3:1 5) 4. When Adam and Eve saw they were naked, they realized they needed clothing. a. Their ingenuity had met the need. b. Their works, in their own eyes, made everything well. c. Their desire to improve themselves was successful until God spoke. d. They made three startling discoveries. (1) They discovered how inadequate their clothing was (their works of righteousness). (a) They were clothed, but they were still naked. (2) They discovered how inadequate their hiding place was. (a) Hiding was an acknowledgment that something was wrong. (b) They could not evade God. (3) They discovered how inadequate their excuses were.(a) Though passing the buck, they were still guilty. (b) Their confession of "...I did eat."
III. EVE: Type of Bride of Christ (Church). A. Name. 1. Eve, in Hebrew, is the word Chavvah (Khav-vaw').
2. Woman, in Hebrew, is the word Ishshah (Ish-shaw'). a. It was the first name given by Adam. (Genesis 2:23) b. Meaning of woman: Maness; together; wife; female; multiplied many; a designation referring to her relation to the man. 3. Adam, in Hebrew, is the word Adam (aw-dawm'). a. The name given by God. (Genesis 5:2) b. Meaning of Adam: Here the emphasis is on One Flesh. B. Principle Bible References: Genesis 1:27; 2:18; 2:22-25; 3:1-4:1; II Corinthians 11:3; I Timothy 2:13- 14. C. Typology: A type of the Church; a lifegiver. 1. Eve, taken out of Adam's side during the deep sleep, is a picture of the Church being taken out of Christ's side while He is tarrying. (John 19:34-35) a. Witnesses of the death and finished work of Christ (the producing of a bride; obedience) kept the whole body from falling. b. Woman (the Church) formed from man's (Christ's) body, sets forth the dependence of the woman (the Church) upon the man (Christ) and also gives the close relationship. 2 As Eve was a part of Adam, so are we a part of Christ. (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:15-1 6; 5:22-23)D. Purpose. 1. To teach obedience and to show that we are to be in subjection to the one placed over us. a. Most all trouble comes from ignoring this law. h. This is mentioned twice in the New Testament. 2. Paul reminds us that we, like Eve, are in danger of being led away from the simplicity of Christ's teaching and of being hurt by the "subtilty of the serpent," which brings disunity. (II Corinthians 11:2-3; I Timothy 2:13) 3. Paul expresses his position, in regard to Eve, to Timothy and argues that man is superior in the work of the Lord. (I Timothy 2:13-1 5). E. The Oneness of the Body. 1. Just as God created Adam in His image (the Spirit is the only thing man received from God), He created woman (body, soul, and spirit) from man's image because she was taken completely from man. (Genesis 1:27, 2:21, 22, 23) 2. The oneness of man and woman in true marriage comes to us in its full meaning in Genesis 2:24. 3. COMPLETE. a. God did not give Adam dominion of the earth until Eve was with him. b. Christ will not have dominion of the earth until His bride, the Church, is with Him in the millennial age. 4. Woman was given to man for fellowship, same as our fellowship with Christ. (Genesis 2:18) a. God brought the woman to man, as the Church will be brought to Christ. (Genesis 2:22; John 6:44) F. The Command to Keep. 1. Thougn she didn't receive the command first, she was still obligated. a. She knew better. (Genesis 2:9) 2. When Eve spoke to the serpent "...Tree which is in the midst...," she spoke as if only one tree existed. (Genesis 3:3) a. This clearly shows the one she had in mind, the prohibited one. b. The permitted one, the tree of life, was not even thought of until it was no longer accessible.,(Genesis 3:22). G. The Crisis. 1. Temptation: Who's will will be exercised? a Eve's temptation was three fold and addressed the body, soul and spirit. (Genesis 3:6) b. The same temptation order was given to Jesus. (Luke 4:3, 7, 9-10) c. The same temptations allure us now. (I John 2:16) d. Satan told Eve she would gain for herself new delight if she ate. (1) Trouble came from seizing that which did not belong to her.2. The first and second acts showed woman's impulsiveness and man's inclination to follow her wherever she led, even to the depths of sin, which was the disobeying of God. H. The Curse on Woman. 1. Bear children in travail and be subject to her husband. (Genesis 3:16)a. She lost equal rights, but she will regain them in glory. 2. A veil is placed between man and God and the man and the woman because a God-ordained marriage is not possible in their fallen state. (Exodus 26:31-37) 3. The rending of the veil at Christ's death opened the way to God and to be one in the Lord in marriage. (Ephesians 5:31-32) 4. Satan, in both cases (Eve and the Church), tried to spoil God's work. a. The object was to cause doubt in God's word and His goodness. (Genesis 3:4) I.A Picture of Salvation. 1. Conviction in the call. a. They heard. (Genesis 3:8) b. Asked for an answer. (Genesis 3:13) 2. Confession in the answer. a. Serpent's fault, BUT I ate. (Genesis 3:13) 3. Receiving the work of another. a. God clothed. (Genesis 3:21) b. Application of redemption would be in a covering provided by the shedding of innocent blood. 4. Her testimony. a. Her positive assertion, "...I have gotten a man from the Lord," makes certain that God now rules over her life. (Genesis 4:1) <
V. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT EVE. A. She had three names. 1. "Woman" because she was taken out of man. (Genesis 2:23) 2. "Woman" is more of a generic designation than a name and is associated with Eve's relation to Adam. 3. "Woman" means "Man-ess." B. Eve and her husband are called Adam. 1. God made them one flesh and gave them one name. (Genesis 5:1-2) C. "Eve," the name given after the transgression. (Genesis 3:16, 20) 1. This name describes her destiny and her function in spiritual History. 2. Eve means "life" or "lifegiving" or "mother of all who have life." 3. Why did Adam change his wife's name from Adam to Eve? a. One day sin would be vanquished, and death would be swallowed up in victory. D. First woman to live upon the earth. 1. She was the product of Divine Creation, a complete, perfect woman.a. The man was dust refined, but the woman was dust double refined. E. Eve, the first woman to be called a wife. 1. She became man's counterpart and companion. F. Eve, the most beautiful woman the world has known. 1. She had no artificial beauty and reflected divine perfection. a. Face, features and form were perfect. G. Eve, the only woman without inherited sin. 1. She was created sinless, yet she became the world's first sinner. H. Eve, the first on earth to be assailed by Satan. I. Eve, the world's first dressmaker. (Genesis 3:7) 1. Clothing is a reminder of sin. (Genesis 2:25) 2. Skins speak of sacrifice. (Genesis 3:21) J. Eve, the first mother to have a son who was a murderer.. K. Eve, the first to receive divine prophecy of the Cross. (Genesis 3:15) V. Eve: Blessed Mother of us all.A. She was in Adam before she became a reality. 1. Adam is in the Plural. B. There was no Bride until Adam was taken out of the earth. (Psalm 139:15) C. She was paid for by the shedding of Adam's blood. D. She was the only thing he called his own. 1. Though perfectly distinct from Adam, she was not absolutely another. 2. She was part of Adam himself. 3. She was a member of his body formed out of himself. E. God built her a body. (Hebrews 10:1-6) 1. "And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He..." or builded (in Hebrews, Panah) He "a woman." (Genesis 2:22)2. She was builded suggests the church as the temple of God. (Ephesians 2:19-22) a. Jesus said, "...upon this Rock I will build my Church." F. She received all her blessing through Adam. G. She owed all her affection and love to Adam. H. Eve had a dual relationship to Adam (Bride and his Body).I. She had the same spirit as Adam. J. She had the same flesh as Adam. (See the word cleave). K. When she was finished, she was presented to Adam. L. She was his helpmeet. M. She gave up her name in marriage. N. God put her in the Garden with Adam. 0. She ruled and reigned over a restored creation. P. Adam did not reign until she was by his side. Q As Isaac, Joseph, and others had to wait for their Bride, so did Adam. R. She was not cast out until her head sinned. S. She had a husband that was willing to die for her and with her T. Adam loved her more than his own life. This Study Was Done By Dr. Bill Kanoy |
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