Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Bridal Studies #3


We can never know Asenath unless we know Joseph to whom she was united. It is by the charm that is thrown over him, his sufferings and his dignities, that we can see the place which was given her. No child can read the story of Joseph without tears because of the injuries he endured and the unveiling of himself to his brethren.

The tears he wept along with the trials and tears of his brethren was the means he used to bring about their repentance. The deep love in his heart towards his own, following upon his sufferings, brought the glory. This glory came to him and Asenath who was given to him (during this time) for their unification.

Asenath comes in after the sufferings have passed away. She knows him as lord and knows only the sweet espousals and the glory of his rule.

I. Great Truths Presented in the Patriarchal Names.

A. Abraham: Doctrine of Divine Election.

B. Isaac: Doctrine of Divine Sonship.

C. Jacob: Doctrine of Conflict between the two natures.

D. Joseph: Doctrine of Heirship, preceded by suffering (suffering before glory).

II. Joseph.

A. Joseph's life is divided into two periods.

1. The first and second coming are both viewed.

a. Rejection and suffering. (Genesis, Chapters 37, 39 and 40)

b. Promotion, exaltation, and glory. (Genesis, Chapters 4 1-50)

B. The awful sin of Judah is recorded. (Genesis, Chapter 38)

C. Joseph is the chief link between Genesis and Exodus.

1. Exodus has no meaning without the last 10 chapters of Genesis.

D. Of the 192 different types of Christ in the Old Testament, Joseph is the greatest personal type.

1. Some of these types are listed.

a. Adam: Represents Christ's headship.

b. Abel: Represents Christ's death.

c. Noah: Represents Christ's work.

d. Melchizedek: Represents Christ's priesthood.

e. Moses: Represents Christ's prophetic office.

f. David: Represents Christ's kingship.

E. His Name.

1. He had two names.

a. Joseph: His human name means Adden; adding (the first Adam was a great subtractor). (Genesis 30:24)

b. Zaphnath-paaneah: Revealer of Secrets; Hebrew name.

(To compare with Jesus, see Luke 2:35).

(1) Revealed the father's heart.

(2) Revealed the wicked hearts of his brethren.

2. His Egyptian name: Saviour of the world.

F. Son of his Father's old age. (Genesis 37:3)

1. The eleventh son of Jacob.

2. The first son of Rachel.

3. Leah had the keys to Jacob's house because she had six sons.

4. Jacob was 91 years old when Joseph was born.

5. "Old Age" translated is "Eternity." (Micah 5:2)

a. Jesus was the son of God's eternity.

(1) From all eternity, He was God's Son.

(2) He was not created or derived, He was eternally begotten.

(3) He is God of God, the very God of very God, equal with and of the same substance as the Father.

(4) He is not a creature, but is the Creator.

G. He was a shepherd. (Genesis 37:2)

1. Objects of the Father*s love.

a. The Old Testament sheep died for the shepherd.

b. The New Testament shepherd died for the sheep.

H. He received a coat of many colors. (Genesis 3 7:3)

1. The coat.

a. Was a mark of distinction. (II Samuel 13:18)

b. Was a mark of honor.

(1) He was the son of Rachel.

(2) He was not of the slave wives. (Genesis 3 7:2)

c. Signified his position.

(1) He was above his brethren.

d. Signified spirituality.

e. Spoke of beautiful virtues, characteristics and beautiful conduct.

(1) No faults or sins are recorded.

2. He was stripped of his coat twice.

a. At Potiphar's house. (Genesis 39:12; Compare John 17:5)

b. By his brethren. (Genesis 37:23; Compare John 19:23)

I.Joseph was hated.

1. Three times. (Genesis 3 7:4; 3 7:5; 3 7:8)

a. Jesus was hated in three ways.

(1) Because of what He was. (John 5:18; John 6:41)

(2) Because of what He said. (John 7:7; John 8:40)

(3) Because of what He did. (Genesis 37:8; 37:11)

2. For two dreams. (Genesis 37:7; 37:9)

a. Field. (Genesis 37:7)

(1) Earthly dominion. (Matthew 28:18)

b. Sun, moon and stars.

(1) Heavenly dominion (Matthew 26:64)

J. He was sent forth by the Father. (Genesis 37:12-1 3)

1. He was sent away from the father's house. (John 5:36)

2 He was completely obedient. (Genesis 37:13; Philippians 2:8)

3. He was sent to his own. (Genesis 37:13; Matthew 1:21; 18:1

4. He found them in Dothan.

a. "law." (Matthew 5:1 7; Galatians 3:13)

5. He left from the "Vale." (Genesis 37:14)

a. Cleft Place.

b. Hebron.

(1) "Fellowship" or "Company." (Proverbs 8:30)

K. Given a Gentile Bride. (Genesis 41:45)

1. Asenath was given to Joseph by Pharaoh.

a. The King makes the selections, plans and arrangements, and appoints the time of the wedding. (Matthew 22:2; Revelation 19:7-9)

2. Joseph was promoted, exalted and authorized with power. (Genesis 41:42; Matthew 28:18; Genesis 41:37-44; Romans 1:4)

3. During the seven years of plenty, his brethren were ignorant concerning his promotion and marriage. This is a picture of Israel in the church age.

4. Joseph's family was completed in the seven years of plenty. (Genesis 41:50-53)

5. After the 7 years of plenty and the completion of Joseph's family, there were 7 years of famine. (Genesis 41:53-54)

6. Famine was in the land. (Genesis 41:56; Matthew 24:8)

a. "Sore" in the Land of Canaan. (Genesis 41:56; 43:1; 41:57)

7. Before he died, he gave a commandment concerning his bones. (Hebrews 11:22)

III. Asenath. Genesis 41:45-50; 46:20

A. Her name means "one who belongs to Neit."

1. The heathen goddess of wisdom.

B. Her name is mentioned three times.

1. She is referred to as the daughter of Potipherah, the High priest of the Sun God of On.

a. Sun Worshipers.

C. Joseph suffered and was raised out of the pit before he received his Bride.

1. Before Asenath, it was all sufferings for a time with Joseph.

D. It was only glory for Asenath, who foreshadows what will be

the glory of Christ and His own in the day of their espousals.

1. The true Bride will never undergo sufferings.

2. It will be all glory for the true Bride, as for Asenath, she remembers the sufferings which He bore.

a. The one suffering but glorified Lamb.

E. Asenath is mentioned before we are told that Joseph was 30 years old.

1. He was 30 years old when he stood in the presence of Pharaoh. (Genesis 41:46)

a. This speaks of the fact that the bride was in the mind of Pharaoh.

(1) Before she became the bride of Joseph.

(2) Before he began his life's work at the age of thirty.

2. Christ is pictured as He began His public ministry.

a. As the brides of Isaac and Joseph were in the minds of Abraham and Pharaoh, the Bride of Christ (the Church) was in the mind of God the Father.

F. She was a Gentile bride and was given by Pharaoh, king of Egypt.

G. The Egyptian name, Zaphnath-paaneah, means Saviour of the world. (Genesis 41:45)

1. Joseph saved her.

a. Out of the world.

b. From heathenism.

H. Joseph's wife presents him with two sons.

1. Manasseh.

a. Means "made to forget."

(1) God will forget Israel's Past. (Matthew, Chapter 24)

2. Ephraim.

a. Means "fruitful."

(1) So far, Israel has never been fruitful.

(a) Barren fig tree.

(b) But in that millennial day!

I.Like Asenath, the church.

1. Will see the earthly nation in the millennial Goshen as sheaves bowing to the great sheaf, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. She will enjoy with Him the riches of the earth.

3. She will see Him as Lord and King.

4. She will not be the nation, as Asenath was not a nation.

a. The glory of the terrestrial is one, but the glory of the celestial is another.

5. She will reign with Him over the nation.

6. She will share with Him the full glory of all the nations of the earth.

7. Her first knowledge of Him in her espousals will be that of Glory.

a. But the celestial, the glory will be first.

b. Then the terrestrial.

8. Her Lord will come from heaven to His full inheritance in abounding millennial blessedness on earth.

Study By Dr. Bill Kanoy

The Fundamental Top 500

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