Dedicated To The Men of God
Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Text: Psalm 100:1-5
Like dinosaurs the number of great churches in
America seems to be steadily declining. They are
becoming a thing of the past. When I use the term
"great church", I am not talking about money,
buildings, programs, or size. Instead, I am
talking about churches that serve the Lord and
bring honor and glory to Him.
I believe there are at least 3 ingredients
necessary in the life of a church for it to be
called "great".
1. Saintly praying.
2. Sound preaching.
3. Stirring praise.
For our time together this service, I want to
send forth "A Call To Praise"! I want to
FOUR ASPECTS of this call.
I. How We Are To Praise The Lord.
A. With a joyful noise. v.1
1. singing
2. shouting
3. preaching
4. praying
B. With a glad heart. v.2
II. Why We Are To Praise The Lord.
A. Because of who He is.
1. He is our God. (LORD) v.3a
A. Elohim-strong one
B. Jehovah-self existent one
C. Adonai-Master
2. He is our creator. v.3b
3. He is our Shepherd. v.3c
B. Because of what He is.
1. He is good. v.5a
2. He is merciful. v.5b
3. He is truthful. v.5c
III. Where We Are To Praise The Lord.
A. Everywhere in general. Psa
34:1 ... I
will bless the LORD at all times: his
praise shall continually be in my mouth.
B. The church in particular.
IV. When We Are To Praise The Lord.
Conclusion: Not all are made the
same emotionally.
Therefore, not all will praise the Lord in the
same manner. Some will praise Him with tears.
Others with a smile. Still others with a laugh.
And some with a shout. The important thing is that
we get busy praising the Worthy One!


Site created by
Tom Walker