TEXT: II Timothy 3 INTRO: II Timothy 3 is a chapter of perilous times. Note: I. THE CERTAINTY OF PERILOUS TIMES. These are days of perilous times. Perilous means dangerous. Many say we are getting better and will usher in the Kingdom of God. Then Jesus will have a "great bunch" to supervise in the 1,000 year reign. But these last days are perilous, not pure. II. THE CHARACTER OF PERILOUS TIMES. A. MAN'S RELATION TO SELF. (v. l-2b) Look at man in the last days and see how he relates to himself. 1. Lovers of self - (self prominence of man) 2. Lustfulness of self - (covetous) 3. Lifting of self - (boasters) 4. Look of self - (proud) 5. Lips of self - (blasphemers) B. MAN'S RELATION TO SOCIETY. (v. 2b) 1. Disrespect in society - (parents) 2. Disgrace in society - (unthankful) 3. Depravity in society - (unholy) 4. Deranged in society - (natural affection) 5. Double mindedness - (truce breakers) 6. Deceitful in society - (false accusers) 7. Demanding in society - (incontinent) 8. Destructive in society - (fierce) 9. Despisers in society - (of good) 10. Defectors in society - (traitors) It. Domineering in society - ( heady - high minded)
C. MAN'S RELATION TO SAVIOUR. (v. 4b-5) Notice the spiritual poverty of man: 1. They love pleasure - (v. 4) 2. They look pious - (v. 5) 3. They leave power - (v. 5) III. THE CHRISTIAN OF PERILOUS TIMES. Note what Paul says about the things a Believer can do in these times: 1. A person of continuence. (v. 14) 2. A person of confidence. (v. 15-16) 3. A person of completion (v. 17) SERMON FROM DR. LARRY BROWN- PASTOR VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH- NORTH AUGUSTA, SC-USA |