Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


Ephesians 5:17 & 18, Romans 12:1 & 2


The will of God is like a mighty stream that flows out of eternity past in through time into eternity future. It is eternal and immutable. It is always the same. There are only two wills, God's will and my will. Since we are always searching for God's will, some would imply that God's will is lost or hidden. Nothing is further from the truth. It is visible and ever present.

Romans 12:2 suggests that there might be three phases of God's will, or three aspects of God's will. One is good will which is the written Word of God. His perfect will -- is affected and perfected when we implement the good will to perfect it, we improvise in order to, as quickly as possible, start perfecting God's good will. Specifically in the Scripture it is God's will:


I. For All Men To Be Saved -- II Peter 3:9, I Timothy 2:3 & 4.

The essential characteristic of fallen man is independent action apart from the revealed will of God.


II. He Wills Men To Be Spirit Filled --

Ephesians 5:17 & 18.

The Word of God commands it and the work of God demands it.


III. He Wills Men To Be Sanctified -- I Thessalonians 4:3.

Walking in purity we abstain from:

A. Fornication

B. We Control Our Bodies

C. We Subdue Our Passions

D. We Treat Others Fairly


IV. He Wills Men To Be Submissive --

I Peter 2:13-15. Don't abuse your freedom nor assert your rights.


V. He Wills Men To Suffer --

I Peter 3:17 and II Timothy 3:12. If these five elements are at work in your life you can do what you want to do and it will be the will of God.

CONCLUSION - I Thessalonians 5:18 - In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Illustration of Matthew 6:9 on (thy will be done).



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