A. W. O. L. II Tim.4:9-22 Text v.10 Introduction Rather unusual title but will be evident as we progress. The text we look to is part of the final words of the Old Preacher, Paul. He recognizes that his time is short and he focuses his attention on the coming of the Lord Jesus. As he bears the burden of prison, the Holy Ghost breathes upon his soul to write to Timothy and leave him a word. Paul seems unable to close this letter without reflecting on those who have been closely associated with his ministry. Of all the men he could have mentioned here and does make mention of note: II Ti.4:10 says"Demas hath forsaken me." What a sad, sad report that Paul now gives of this brother, Demas. As I considered what Paul has to say here of Demas; though we did not and cannot hear the inflection in his voice to know exactly HOW he said this and meant it. I am convinced that we can detect ................ [A] NO ARROGANCE In Paul's Voice ....... i.e. Demas hath forsaken me, but I'm still staying by the stuff! You wont find me running! [B] NO ANIMOSITY In Paul's Voice ....... i.e. Demas hath forsaken me, but he never was much to begin with! [C] NO ANGER In Paul's Voice ........... i.e. Demas hath forsaken me, I hope he gets what's coming to him! I believe we might have seen the tears fall as Paul wrote these words. Demas has gone A. W. O. L. Absent Without Leave! What a Tragedy when this happens ........ We have but three texts of Scripture to seek out information about Demas ................ [1] A FAVORED SAINT Col.4:14 Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. [2] A FELLOW SERVANT Phlm.24 Marcus, Aristarchus Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers. [3] A FALLEN SOLDIER Text ...... As we consider this fallen soldier, we realize this is a condition prevalent in our own time of spiritual warfare. NOTE: The people in the early Church changed the World but it seems that today the world is changing the Church! A whole lot of HAS BEENs! We want to examine the causes and consequences of being A. W. O. L.
I. DISTRACTION Word occurs once in Scripture .... I Co.7:35 that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction. (cumberances) It appears that something caught Demas eye as it were and distracted him from his duties. 1. BEING DISTRACTED BY POSSESSIONS A. Attention Is Diverted Lu.12:15-21 [a] Become Obsessed With Getting Them No time for God, too busy buying and selling and getting gain! [b] Become Obsessed With Keeping Them Illus. Folk who won't tithe, give etc. B. Affections Become Perverted Mat.6:19-21 People who love things more than God! The word used in our text "having LOVED" is the grk. word [agapao] strongest form of word! Used to describe the LOVE that characterizes God! 2. BEING DISTRACTED BY POSITION Not satisfied with our position in the body or our part in the work. (Lu.20:45-47) A. Seek Recognition B. Seek Reputation 3. BEING DISTRACTED BY PLEASURES II Ti.3:4 lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (characteristic of last days) 4. BEING DISTRACTED BY PROBLEMS A. Physical Problems B. Emotional Problems C. Financial Problems D. Family Problems E. Spiritual Problems We live in a very troubled society; if we're not careful we will fall into the devil's trap and Focus on our Problems rather than our Savior! What can we do? I Pe.5:7-9
II. DEFECTION 1. DECEIVED Satan and sin are deceptive! Things are not always what they seem. The grass often looks greener on the other side of the fence. We look at where we are and at where we think others are and then; we're gone! Never forget the original deception! A. The Blinding Effect Gen.3 I Ti.2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. B. The Brief Enjoyment Heb.11:25 than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Doesn't Last Very Long C. The Bruising Experience [a] Their Reproach [b] Their Response Began to lay the BLAME at everyone else's feet. 2. DOUBTED A. Question The Character Of God B. Question The Word Of God C. Question The Purpose Of God 3. DESERTED A. What He Did "hath forsaken" egkataleipo to leave behind in some place to desert "departed" poreuomai to take a journey B. Why He Did It "Loved present World" * Someone once said that usually one of three reasons will suffice to declare why folk desert. [a] Not BORN Right [b] Don't BELIEVE Right [c] Won't BEHAVE Right C. Where He Went Thesssalonica There was a great body of believers in Thessalonica that would recognize Demas right away. As Guy King states, " that to my mind, indicates that Demas had no intention of ceasing to be a Christian: all he proposed to himself was that he no longer should be an out and out Christian. "
III. DETECTION 1. THE PAINFULNESS OF IT How many have been hurt and wounded by the absence of another? Consider how Paul must have felt when Demas, his brother in the LORD, packed up picked up and pulled out! Leaving Paul and the other brethren high and dry. 2. THE PROBLEMS BECAUSE OF IT A. Satan Will Use It [a] Hinder The Work [b] Hinder The Witness B. Sinners Will Use It C. Even Saint's Will Use It 3. THE PERIL FROM IT A. Lacks The Presence Of God We speak of one's awareness of that presence. [a] Look At Samson Jg.16 [b] Look At Saul I Sa.15 [c] Look At Israel I Sa.4:21-22 The ark symbolized God's presence among them. B. Lacks The Peace Of God [a] A Distinguishable Restlessness [b] A Doubtful Relationship [c] A Dread Of Responsibility C. Lacks The Power Of God [a] To Conquer Sin In His Own Life [b] To Communicate To Sinners (Lot) [c] To Commune With His Savior Is.59:1-2 The Sad Conclusion To Demas' Story Is That We Do Not Discover ................... Any Signs Of Repentance Any Signs Of Reconciliation Any Signs Of Return To The Work WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO AVOID THIS DANGER?
IV. DELIVERANCE Examine what it is that you love most! Some Love The Wrong Things In The Right Way. Some Love The Right Things In The Wrong Way. True Devotion is The Attention Love Gives and out of that comes True Dedication- The Activity Love Manifests. Note What The Lord Said in ..... Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
Sermon By Pastor Ron Lovins