A MAN IN HELL - TEXT: LUKE 16:19-31 INTRODUCTION: Noah preached judgment. The world didn't believe it but the flood came anyway. Lot preached judgment; they didn't believe it but God rained hell out of heaven and destroyed Sodom anyway. Whether men believe it or not, the Lord Jesus talked about a place of torment for the unsaved. I. HIS DESCRIPTION - VS. 19-29 A. He was Religious - Vs. 24-28 1 1. In Vs. 24 he prayed for mercy 2. In Vs. 24 he prayed for water 3. In Vs. 28 he prayed for his brothers Here was a man that knew how to pray, he knew the Scriptures, he talked about Moses and the prophets but he still went to hell. B.. He was Rich - Vs. 19 1. Clothed in purple - imported garments from Egypt. 2. Clothed in fine linen - imported garments from Syria. 3. But, underneath his fine clothes was a heart as black as hell itself. ("Man looketh upon the outward appearance...") C. He was Ruined - Vs. 23 That night someone else took over his wealth and the rich man became a beggar in hell. II. HIS DEATH - VS. 22 A. His death sudden - no hint of sickness (Man's life is like a vapor (like a flower). B. His death separated (from his home and hope of heaven. C. His death was sobering - It took hell for him to get his eyes open. III. HIS DISTRESS - VS. 24-31 A. From the Burning - Vs. 24 (Unquenchable fire) B. From the Burdens - Vs. 28 - "Go to tell my brother." C. From the Banishment - Vs. 30-31 1. Banished from love 2. Banished from light 3 Banished from liberty FROM BROTHER EDGAR THOMAS-