Have you ever tried to locate the definition of the
word worship in the Scriptures? You would not, if you did. As important
as worship is, one would think that there would be a neat, little, and
quotable definition for us to describe such a meaningful word. Perhaps
God chose not to give a concise definition because the very concept of
worship is too large for that.
If one would look at the different verbs pertaining
to worship, he would recognize that worship is not confined to praise;
“broadly it may be regarded as the direct acknowledgment to God of His
nature, attributes, ways, and claims, whether by the outgoing of the
heart in praise and thanksgiving or by deed done in such
acknowledgment.” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words)
The verb latrenó means: “to serve, to
render religious service or homage,” is translated “to worship” in
Philippians 3:3 “(who) worship (by the Spirit of God),” “(which)
worship (God in the Spirit).” This verbal form of worship is the form
that I would like to apply to our study of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.
The resurrection of Lazarus has taken place and he is returned to his
familiars. He quietly sits as Martha serves, and Mary sacrifices. Jesus
is their guest. The three, besides Jesus, form a composite. Many
emphasize the three distinct personalities, or at least emphasize the
activities of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. It would be profitable to bring
the three personalities into a study of one. By that, in a worshipping
situation, how do they complement each other?
Using the verbal form latrenó, for worship,
will require the characteristics of all three that we have mentioned.
With that being the requirement may we notice three things, I. The
Expression of Worship (vv. 1-3); II. The Enemy of Worship (vv. 4-8);
III. The Events after Worship (vv. 9-11).
The twelfth chapter is a transitional chapter. During
the last few days before His trial, He is found with those dear to Him.
He begins this period with a visit to Bethany. It is there that we see
Jesus sharing His time with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. He will soon make
His triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. Beginning there, He will signify
by what death He should die (12:33). Then He will give instructions
concerning the Holy Spirit (14:15-26); concerning peace (14:27-31);
concerning fruitfulness (15:1-17); concerning the world (15:18-16:6);
again concerning the Holy Spirit (16:7-15); and concerning His return
The serving of Martha (vv. 1-2). The first
person of the composite of worship is Martha. Martha is busy serving, “There
they made him a supper; and Martha served” (v. 2a). Many
expositors in their comparison of Mary and Martha, degrade Martha when
comparing her to Mary simply because she is “only serving.” Serving
when properly administered is a major part of worship. Admittedly,
people can be busy serving and in that service not worshipping. Serving
is a work and that work involves time. Anything in the material realm is
a by-product of time. Money when earned is a representative of a service
rendered. Mary will be seen sacrificing the spikenard, a “very
costly” ointment. Someone had to pay for it. To make the purchase
someone had to invest time. That time was service. Service however,
alone does not constitute worship. Neither does sacrifice alone
constitute the kind of worship Philippians 3:3 speaks of.
The word worship that is generally or most frequently used means,
“to make obeisance, do reverence to” (from pros,
“towards,” and kuneó, “to kiss”), is the most frequent
word rendered “to worship.”
Martha served the supper that “they made him”.
Martha could have told Mary and Lazarus that she would serve the supper
while Mary brought out the spikenard. The serving was and still is a
very important ingredient of worship. Yet it is certainly true that one
can become so busy in his service and neglect greatly his worship. Many
times I find myself getting started, before I “get cranked.” The
cranking aspect should be the worship that precedes the service. I need
to be “cranked up” by the Word of God and energized by the Spirit in
an attitude of prayer. Everyday should begin with a period of devotion
to be better equipped for service. So much of what we do becomes fleshy
and carnal because the flesh rather than the Spirit energize us. We fail
to begin our activities with a preparation period of adoration and
worship of the Lord. We should as Hebrews 10:19 admonishes us to come
boldly into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
The sitting of Lazarus (v. 2). Martha is
serving and Lazarus is sitting. A casual reading may not yield much, “but
Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him” (v. 2).
What is so significant and worthy of consideration when considering a
man just sitting? Lazarus is not just any man; He has just been raised
from the dead. Considering the magnitude of the miracle of being raised
from the dead, one would think that upon having been raised, Lazarus
would have been positioned in a more prominent role than of one just
sitting. Yet the posture of sitting does nothing to take away from the
miracle. His life, alone, witnesses the fact of the resurrection.
Lazarus, while in his sitting position, very calmly displays the
change that had taken place in his life. The change was so obviously
great that it was not necessary to attach a sign announcing the fact of
his resurrection. His “breath” was enough to announce the fact.
Likewise, when one is birthed into the Kingdom of God, the Spirit, or
“Breath of God” so marks the new convert.
The sacrificing of Mary (v. 3). The sacrifice
made by Mary may not have been Mary’s alone. The sacrifice may have
been spikenard that was to be used for some other purpose. It may have
originally been set aside for embalming purposes. The Scriptures do not
tell us. Yet Mary as she began to anoint the feet of Jesus did so “against
the day of my burying,” said Jesus (v. 7). She also was assuming
the position of a slave. She was surrendering herself completely to the
will and the purpose of Christ. The ingredients used in the anointing
were a sacrifice. The value was nearly equivalent to the wages for one
year of labor.
Sacrifice makes up the third ingredient in the
composite of worship. The three as they are fused together more clearly
identify the kind of worship that we have under consideration. Again,
this kind of worship requires that there be a service (working), a
sitting (witness), and sacrificing (worship). When these three are
intact, certainly Satan will oppose it. That brings us to our next
True worship has Satan as its enemy. He will not
bother a counterfeit worship. The more sterling the worship, the more
Satanic that attack. Judas is not only a tool of Satan, but he also is a
type of Satan. A rage sweeps over Judas as he witnesses what he
considers to be a great waste. Judas, like Satan, is very deceptive.
There is not evidence from the Scriptures that indicates that any of the
disciples every suspected or questioned Judas’ loyalty or fidelity;
yet he was a devil. In his smooth subtleness he was able to conceal the
rage that was in his very being. Everyone, that is, except for the Lord;
He knew the heart of Judas.
The suggestion, on the surface, seems to be a
reasonable request, but again the Lord knows the heart. May we consider
more carefully the reaction of Judas to the sacrificing of the
The reaction of Judas (vv. 4-5). Judas asked “why was not this
ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?” The
subtleness of Judas in asking this question, reminds us of his father,
the devil (John 8:44). Satan does not have to pour out the dregs every
time he performs a malicious act. He would gladly substitute the cloak
of culture in preference to the shroud of vulgarity. Judas’ reaction
was a very cultivated reaction, yet exceedingly sinful.
Much of the wickedness of sinful man should not
be attributed to Satan; instead the blame should rest on both the world
and its influence, or the flesh so prone to sinning. Most of those who
perch on their barstools and drape the counters with their elbows did
not need Satan to get them there. They were quite capable of getting
there on their own. We blame Satan for more than he is guilty of. It is
not always as Flip Wilson the comedian of the 1960’s would say, “The
devil made me do it.”
Satan would prefer a more sophisticated way of
enticing or influencing the sinner. The reaction of Judas gives a
classic example of the preferred way that Satan works. Yet, Christ knew
the reason for Judas responding as he did.
The reason of Judas (v. 6). Verse six, like a
piercing arrow goes straight to the target. “This he said, not that he
cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and
bare what was put therein.” The arrow of truth gives the exact reason
for Judas reacting as he did. He would have preferred exacting from Mary
the expensive spikenard to use for his own purposes. He certainly did
not want Jesus to be honored in such a way; he thought that to be a
great waste. Such is the attitude of people today. They can not
comprehend any service or kindness being offered towards the things of
God. As they generously offer their endowments to help a philanthropic
cause, they pinch their pennies rather than help a Christian cause.
The rebuke of Judas (vv. 7-8). In the composite of worship, we
notice the one serving, the one sitting (as a witness), and the one
sacrificing. With these three operating, we observe the opposition to be
in the person of Judas. He represents the enemy of worship. There is
another character that identifies with the concept of worship. That
person is Jesus Christ. He intercedes on our behalf.
In every worshipping experience there is an
enemy, but there is also a defender. Christ Jesus defends and encourages
our right to worship. In our study here, He strongly rebukes Judas,
knowing his heart. Verse 7 and 8 gives the rebuke. “Then said Jesus,
Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the
poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always."
Certainly it is wonderful knowing that we have a
defender and an intercessor. Not only is Christ able to defend us
against the forces of Satan, but He is interceding on our behalf as He
does. If Satan accuses us as we attempt to worship, by declaring that
our worship is either lacking or in vain, the Lord can say, as the
defender, “Leave him alone.” Then He will declare to the Father as
the Intercessor, that all is well.
In our study, attention has been called to The
Expression of Worship, The Enemy of Worship, and now we will consider,
The Events after Worship.
A natural curiosity of the people prevails as
they press to see not only Jesus but Lazarus also, whom He had raised
from the dead. The interest was so great that Lazarus was added to the
list of who should be put to death. Now both Jesus and Lazarus are
enemies of the psendo-religious system. Verse 10 says, “But the chief
priest consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death.”
The curiosity of the people (v. 9). When
something dynamic happens there is an equivalent reaction. A dead man
made alive was the dynamic. It was this that caused the reaction on the
part of the people. The group would not have gathered had Lazarus stayed
in the tomb. Yet as it turns out there are those now who want to put him
back to death. Anytime a person is made alive spiritually, there will be
a natural curiosity to see if that person has really been changed
(II Corinthians 5:17). There may be a period of amazement, often to be
followed by anger.
When a person is converted to
Christianity, he will find a curiosity on the part of his “old
friends.” With the passing of time, these friends began to drop by the
wayside. Some even turn against the one who has been converted. I recall
after my parent’s conversion that almost all of their friends forsook
them, but God so graciously gave them many more in return. Evidence of
this was seen at my parent’s funeral, when the church was packed with
those people whom they had gained as friends because of Jesus.
The consultation of the Priest (v.
10-11) “But the chief priest consulted that thy might put Lazarus also
to death;” so reads verse 10. Caiaphas again shows his animosity
towards Jesus and that which Jesus does. The true worshippers of God
will not only have their natural enemies in the world, but the religious
system will be their enemy, as well. It was the religious crowd that had
Paul and Silas jailed at Philippi; it was the religious crowd that had
Jeremiah placed in the stocks. Organized religion has never been a
friend of Jesus.
As we worship, in the spirit of worship as
defined in Philippians 3:3, may we use this composite of worship
involving Lazarus, Mary, and Martha to challenge us to worship as they