Introduction: There are numerous sins that can rob one of his Christian joy. It is obvious that the more blatent sins as murder, robbery, fornication, malace, hatred, or similar sins will certainly rob one of his joy. But, also will pride, anger, jealousy, gossip, wicked imaginations and such sins rob one of joy. Paul looks at selfish pride as a joy robber. I. PAUL GIVES THE CHURCH AN EXHORTATION TO GUARD AGAINST SELFISH PRIDE. vv. 1-5 A. First, he gives a negative exhortation. vv. 1-2 (Built upon a postive foundation of truth) B. Second, he gives a positive exhortation. v. 5 II. PAUL GIVES THE CHURCH AN EXAMPLE TO GUARD AGAINST SELFISH PRIDE. vv. 6-11 A. Look at the man Christ Jesus. vv. 6-7 (Kenosis - self-emptying) Meant He put Himself under the direct control (will) of His Father.1. He walked in His Father 's ways. in. 16:282. He willed His Father 's will. Jn. 5:303. He spoke His Father 's word. Jn. 14:244. He did His Father 's work. Jn. 17:45. He rejoiced in His Father 's love. Jn. 10:176. He sought His Father 's aid. Jn. 11:417. He aimed at His Father 's glory. Jn. 8:49B. Look at the mission of Christ Jesus. v. 8 1. To identify with man. 2. To die for man. C. Look at the majesty of Christ. vv. 9-10 1. As seen in His nature. v. 9 2. As seen in His name. vv 9-10 (Rev l9:11-16) SERMONS BY DR. MAX ALDERMAN, Ph.D |