Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Studies In Ephesians #9

Ephesians 5:22-33 thru 6:1-9

Memory Verse: Jn. 10:11

"I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."

I. The Pattern for Submitting. (vs. 22-33)

A. The pattern for subjection. (vs. 22-23)

B. The pattern for sacrificing. (vs. 24-25)

C. The pattern for sanctifying. (vs. 26-2 7)

D. The pattern for savouring. (vs. 28-33)

II. The Promise Guaranteed for Submitting. (6:1-4)

A. This promise concerns children. (vs. 1)

    1. Concerns children in the home. (vs. la)

    2. Concerns children in their honoring. (vs. 1 b)

B. This promise comes as a commandment. (vs. 2-4)

    1. There is provision in the commandment. (vs. 2)

    2. There is protection in the commandment. (vs. 3.4)

III. The Person of Christ Glorified in Submitting. (vs. 5.9)

A. When one submits with a singleness of heart as unto Christ. (vs.5)

B. When one submits as the servant of Christ. (vs. 6)

C. When one submits doing service as to Christ. (vs. 7-9)

Study From Dr. Max Alderman


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