Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

Mini Sermon
May 1998
Taken From the Weekly Pastor's Column of Newsletter
(Zion Hill Baptist Church)
Dr. Tom Walker : Pastor

He Knows The Way

Prov. 3:5,6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Many things about God are wonderful, but the all-knowingness or the omniscience of God, is one of His most awe-inspiring attributes. The only thing about the future that we know for sure, is what God said, through the pens of the prophets. It is no doubt a blessing to us that we do not know what valleys may be just ahead in a few days, weeks, months or years from now. We do not know about tomorrow, but thank God, we know who holds our hands. Look at three main things about this passage of Scripture in Prov.3:5,6. Since God knows the way, He wants to show us the way. What does it involve?

I. Reliance. The Bible says many times that we are to "trust in the Lord." Here our Scripture says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart (v.5)." To trust is to rely on the integrity, strength, ability, and trust- worthiness of another person. When we trust in the Lord, we leave the most valuable thing we possess, our immortal soul, to safekeeping of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He saves the soul, secures the soul, and satisfies the soul.

II. Renunciation. The Word of God also says in v.5, "Lean not unto thine own understanding." Our own understanding is not sufficient or sharp enough to provide the guidance we need. If you are to be in the center of God’s will for your life, you must denounce your own human based understanding. God is both all knowing and all wise, thus, you should renounce your limited understanding and glean from His unlimited resources.

III Recognition. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him"(v.6).This recognition has the sense of a "first hand" knowledge." We should look more into the face of Christ than we do the faces of others. Fellowship brings about that "first hand" knowledge to which I refer. No person can be truly happy, holy, or useful, who is knowingly or deliberately out of fellowship with God.

IV Reward. It is a rewarding thing to trust in the Lord, not leaning on our own understanding. If we acknowledge Him, give Him the proper recognition and attention, then He will reward us, according to the Bible. "He shall direct thy paths"(v.6). If you will be faithful in your responsibilities to God, He in turn will see to it that He guides and directs you through life." Brother Tom


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