TEXT: EXODUS 3:7, 19, 20 INTRODUCTION: Israel cried for the Supernatural after 430 years of slavery and bondage. They knew that the natural could not get the job done. So they cried for the Supernatural and all His fullness. I. GOD IS A SUPERNATURAL GOD Hosea 11:9, "I am God and not man." 1. Supernatural in His Existence. 2. Supernatural in His power. II. THE BIBLE IS A SUPERNATURAL BOOK... "Holy men of old spake as they were moved of the Holy Ghost." I. The Bible gives the past of man. 2. The Bible gives the present of man. III. THE NEW BIRTH IS A SUPERNATURAL BIRTH John 3:7, "Marvel not that I say unto thee, Ye must be born again." 1. Not of the flesh nor the will of man. 2. Not of corruptible seed but the incorruptible word of God. IV. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IS A SUPERNATURAL LIFE Galatians 2:20, "The life I now live." 1. I am crucified with Christ. 2. Nevertheless the life I now live. V. A REAL REVIVAL IS A SUPERNATURAL WORK OF GOD Psalm 85:6, "Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in thee."1. 1 King 18 "The Lord sent the fire down."2. Ezekiel 37 "The Lord raised the bones to life."VI.THE SECOND COMING WILL BE A SUPERNATURAL COMING Acts 1:11, "This same Jesus which ye see go into heaven will come in like manner." 1. Jesus will appear in the clouds. 2. The dead in Christ shall rise first. |