THE MEANINGFUL MUSTS TEXT:John3:7, 14,30 INTRODUCTION: If you plan ongoing to Heaven when you die you must be born again. The first birth is by the corruptible seed of man, the second birth is by the incorruptible seed, the Word of God appropriated by the miracle working power of the mighty Holy Spirit. Have you experienced the new birth yet? It is still a must. I. THERE MUST BE THE SCRIPTURAL SATISFACTION - Luke 24:44 A. The law of Moses fulfilled as the Lamb of God. B. The prophets fulfilled as the living Lord, Prophet, Priest and King. C. The Psalms fulfilled as suffering Saviour, sovereign Lord. II. THERE MUST BE A SINLESS SUBSTITUTE II Cor. 5:21; Exo. 12:1-8 A. Sinless dying for the sinful. B. Shameless dying for the shameful. C. Sovereignty dying for the sinner. III. THERE MUST BE SUFFERING FOR SIN - Luke 9:22, Romans 6:23 A. The penalty was decreed by the Lord God. B. The punishment for violating God's law brought death. - Romans 5:12 C. The price of redemption was paid in full by Christ. IV. THERE MUST BE THE SURETY OF THE RESURRECTED SAVIOUR -John 20:9 A. The first fruits of the Resurrection was Christ. B. The family of believers are to follow. C. The facts will be fully furnished in the Rapture. V. THERE MUST BE THE SIGNS OF THE RAPTURE OF THE SAINTS - Matthew 24:6; Luke 21:9 A. The disappearing of all born again believers. B. The disruption of religious services with the saints missing. C. The disillusioned world will wonder what happened. VI. THERE MUST A SET'I'LI,NG UP FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE -Il Cor. 5:10 A. We will regret wasted time, talents and tithes. B. We will receive rewards for faithful service. C. We will rejoice with the Lord forever. VII. THERE MUST BE A SPIRITUAL BIRTH FOR SALVATION - John 3:7 A. The new birth is not a choice but a must. B. The new birth is not reformation but regeneration. C. The new birth is receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour. FROM MAZE JACKSON- EVANGELIST
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