Introduction: David said "Man is fearfully and wonderfully made". Truly man is the capstone of Gods creation. 1. His heart is like a giant pump. 2. His spirit is like a great search light. 3. His mind is like a master tape recorder that presses his words and deeds into his sub-conscious mind.
I. PRECIOUS MEMORIES - I COR. 11:25 Many refer to this as communion but that is wrong. You cannot commune with God through bread and wine. That is Catholic doctrine. This is a memorial supper. He said "As often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me". A. Remember His Redemption - I Peter 1:19; II Cor.5:21 B. Remember our Reception - John 1:11-12 Moses said to Israel "When you get in the land and eat from trees you did not plant, beware lest ye forget the Lord God".
II. PROBING MEMORY - PSALMS 51 When Nathan told David of his sin, his mind and conscious started ringing like an alarm clock. A. Davids sin broke his Happiness - vs. 12. B. Davids sin broke his Health - vs. 8. C. Davids sin dimmed his Hope - vs. 11. You dont ever forget anything; it is stored away in your sub-conscious mind.
III. PAINFUL MEMORY - LUKE 16:19-31 In hell he remembered and memory is a faculty of the soul. As long as the soul lives, memory will live. A. He remembered his Family - vs. 27-28. B. He remembered the Flames - vs. 24. C. He remembered his Fate - Lost forever. Be careful with your mind for in eternity it will be a worm that wont die or a dove that cant cry. SERMON BY BROTHER EDGAR THOMAS - EVANGELIST - USA E-Mail |