The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 12:1, "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them." There are those who would tell our young people that the most important thing for them is to climb the financial ladder; however that is not true. We all want to have enough to make us comfortable materially, but a person must make provision for the spiritual before anything else in life. It is not wise to waste ones life in sin, planning in the declining years to then begin to seek the Lord. The desire to know God and come to God may not be present in your life just a few years from now----so dont count on that desire being active a few years in the future. You should come to Christ now while you can; while you have the longing to do so. What do young people really need? I. Young People Need The Way. So many today are wandering about aimlessly without real purpose and direction for their lives. I believe that young people are searching for something and do not really know what it is. Some of them think they need the pleasure way, the partying way, or the pandering way. What kind of way do they need? First, the spiritual way. God cannot be known through idols or the works of mens hands; we come to know Him spiritually as we turn from sin and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, a singular way. Jesus made it crystal clear in Jn. 14:6 that He is"The Way, the Truth, and the Life." Christ brings us into the only way that is truly meaningful. Thirdly, a satisfying way. Drugs, dope, and degenerate living will not bring complete satisfaction to ones life. II. Young People Need The Word. See Psalm 119:9. What word? Primarily, the word of salvation. The Bible is a book of salvation from Gen.1:1 through Rev. 22. Jesus said we must be born again (Jn.3:3). Secondly, the word of separation (2 Cor. 6:17). Further, they need the word of the second coming of Christ ( Jn. 14:3). III. Young People Need The Warnings. The warnings primarily have to do with sin. Tell them first, sin will deceive them. It does not stop there, but it goes on to seek to try to destroy them. Sin is not constructive, rather it is an extremely destructive force. Finally, they need to know that sin will deny them. It will deny Gods best to them. There is a degree of temporal pleasure in sin, but it is only for a season. Be warned! Get what you need from God rather than attempting to find what the ungodly say is necessary. Sermon Outline From Dr.Tom Walker |