In 1 Samuel 17:27 David said, "Is there not a cause?"
Shortly after David took his position as court musician ,
Israel was in danger at the hand of the Philistines. The army of Israel
was on one side of the valley of Elah while the Philistines and their
champion giant was on the other side of the valley. The giant was quite a
formidable foe. He had a bronze helmet and a coat of armor that weighed
some 125 pounds. The giant also had a bronze javelin and a spear that had
a 15 pound iron tip. David had gone to carry provisions for his brothers,
who were in the army of Israel. Everyone was a afraid to deal with the
vicious Philistines and the giant Goliath. To make a quite lengthy account
brief, young David said, after hearing the intimidating statements of the
Jews, "Is there not a cause?" A "cause" speaks of a
"reason or motive for human action." Recently we have seen the
terrorist tragedies in Washington, Pennsylvania, and New York. Most of the
world now is certainly tired of terrorism and needless mass killings.
There is a cause now for America and the world to unite to deal with the
terrible menace called terrorism. The terrorists and the countries that
harbor and train them must be dealt with very severely and quickly. What
is there a cause for today?
I. There Is A Cause For Contemplation. Since over 5,000 Americans
have been needlessly slain by evil men in the last few days, our leaders
need our prayer more than ever before for God’s direction in their
decisions (1 Tim. 2:2). I am sure all of our national leaders would desire
our prayers that wisdom and help might be granted unto them. Especially
pray for the President of our great nation. This is not time for political
bigotry and bickering.
II. There Is A Cause For Closeness. A house divided against itself
cannot stand; it will surely fall (Mark 3:25). It has been great to see
Americans pull together out of our great hurt and even anger. Billy Graham
said the other day in a memorial service for those who lost their lives
that God understands our anger.
III. There Is A Cause For Courage. (Josh. 1:7). Our nation and the
other nations of the world must stand up against and do all we can do to
stamp out terrorism and confront the enemies of freedom.
IV. There Is A Cause For Consultation. We must go to our Heavenly
Father and seek his help in the time of need (Isa. 41:10).