Text: "It is better to dwell in the corner of a
housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house." If there is
anywhere that patience, gentleness and longsuffering should be abundantly
exhibited, it is in the home. It would be informative for us if we would
consider the word "brawling." That kind of woman is one that
likes and thrives on strife and contention. She can never be satisfied
with what comes her way in life; she has the misconception that everything
in life is to be perfect and she tolerates no contradiction to her will or
her wishes. The writer of this proverb says it is better to be in a quiet
corner on the housetop than to be with a fussy woman in a wide, spacious,
and elegant room inside the house.
I. Reasons For Domestic Unrest- There are several
which could be given but I suggest to you the following. First, a
defective fellowship with God. Most of the time a husband and wife are at
each others throats, irritable and edgy, because of not walking close
enough to God. Secondly, a distorted view of real life. Things in real
life are not perfect. When we demand perfection out of one another, then
we forget that we possess our own personal set of imperfections and flaws.
Thirdly, a denial of the proper place in the home. Old Testament teaching
and New Testament teaching both underscore the role of the woman is one of
submission to her husband. Ephesians 5:22 says the woman is to submit to
her husband as she does unto the Lord. She is to place herself under his
authority as head of the home.
II. Results Of Domestic Unrest- Children are hurt
when there is domestic unrest in the home. They deserve a peaceful
environment in which to grow up. In addition, the church is hindered. It
is a bad testimony upon the church when a couple who professes to be saved
cannot get along together. Finally, Christ is grieved. It grieves the Lord
Jesus Christ when we are filled with our selves rather than with the Holy
Spirit of God (Eph. 4:30).
III. Resistance To Domestic Unrest- Number one, have an
understanding spirit. Number two, know your place in the home as a husband
or wife. Number three, keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus rather than on the
faults of your partner. Jesus is perfect but your marriage partner will
not always be so.