Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

New Things For A New Year

The Bible says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new." As we enter into a new year we tend to think about new things. The Bible in our text speaks of a time when all things became new unto us. You can be sure that reference is to the time that you were born again through the ministry of the Word of God and the Spirit of God. When we were born again it seems as though the sun shone brighter, the stars twinkled more often, and the trees seemed to clap their branches with joy. The greatest thing that ever has happened to you is when you became a new creature in Christ through faith in Him. Because we are saved there are some things that we should have going into this new year.

I. New Dreams (See Jer. 23:28). Our problem today is that we do not have enough dreams. A dream does not mean something we have that is imaginary while we are sleeping. The word "dream" can refer to an aspiration, a goal or an aim. God’s people should not go aimlessly through this world. We should have aspirations, goals, or aims that we want to accomplish for the glory of our God. Those who are careless and complacent will be dreamless people.

II. New Dependence (Psm. 37:7). In Psalm 37 we are told to "rest" in the Lord, and wait patiently upon Him. When you rest your tired body in a chair, you trust it and depend upon it to hold you upright. We are to depend upon the Lord for our provisions, our power, and our preservation. No one should fear when their trust is in God.

III. New Delight (Psalm 40:3 says, "And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God." We can enter this New Year with a song in our hearts. It is a song about His love, about our liberty, and about the life eternal He has bestowed upon us.

IV. New Direction (Isa. 42:16). God can make crooked things straight. You have an old nature, whether you are saved or whether you are lost. If we take heed to the old nature, it will lead us down a twisting, winding trail which will eventually bring destruction.

V. New Depth (2 Pet. 3:18). Whatever else happens to us in the new year, it should be a time of growth in the things of God. So many church members are still in infancy and new maturity and development. We grow through the "open book" and obedience.

Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker

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