Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Fulness For Service

Read Acts 1:6-8. People today are full of something. Some are filled with greed, lust, jealousy, envy, bitterness, hatred and other undesirable things. Some folks are just full of themselves. They have a "me" religion which is self centered, rather that being centered on Christ and on others. After looking at people around me from day to day, I would say the largest religion in the world is the "Me Religion." Believers are to be full of the Holy Ghost in order to succeed in the work of the Lord. After Jesus died for our sins, as He was leaving the Mt. of Olives to go back to the Father’s house, He spoke to his disciples about a spiritual power they must have. It was no option but an absolute necessity if the church was to fulfill its mission on earth.

As we think of God’s fullness in the believer, there are four observations from this text we are going to make.

I. It Speaks Of Something Special (v.6-7). The disciples had their mind on Jesus setting up an earthly kingdom. They did not understand that the Kingdom of God, in the heart, would come before the day Jesus would rule from Jerusalem on David’s throne. The Jews wanted to be delivered from slavery and bondage. They had been looking for the Messiah to come in order that He might deliver them from Roman rule and dominion. Jesus simply told them it was not their place to know the time that the earthly kingdom would be set up. The special thing was the empowering of the Spirit in believers.

II. It Speaks Of Something Spiritual (v8a). The power they needed could not come apart from the Holy Ghost. As rushing waters provide power for generators, the Spirit of God provides spiritual power to do a spiritual work. Many try to do a spiritual work in natural power.

III. It Speaks Of Something Spontaneous (v.8b). No one had to command them to witness after they were baptized spiritually into the body of Christ and filled with God’s Spirit. Jesus suggest this-- when you are full of God, you will witness to others are around you. If filled, you will speak the Word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31).

IV. It Speaks Of Something Sweeping (v.8c). That witness begins at Jerusalem (home), in Judea (your state), in Samaria (your nation), and unto the uttermost part of the earth (the rest of the world). If a person cannot be a missionary at home, he cannot be one abroad.

A Mini-Sermon By Tom Walker


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