Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker Five Important Ships There have been many great ships through the years recorded in the annals of history. One of the most famous of all the ships is the one we know as the Titanic. It was thought to be unsinkable, but on April 15, 1912 about 2:20 AM, the world’s largest and most luxurious ocean liner, sank into the icy depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Some fifteen-hundred people that night lost their lives. Lloyd’s of London said there was only one in a million possibility that would ever happen. How tragically mistaken they were! The Bible speaks of at least five famous ships that would be worthy of and deserving of our attention. Think with me about them! I. Sonship (Jn. 1:12). The Bible tells us when put saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, at that moment, we become a child of God. The basis of that son-ship from God’s perspective is faith in the finished work of Christ. Many Scriptures affirm our son-ship (Rom. 8:14; Phil. 2:5; I Jn. 3:1,2). Jesus is "the" Son of God by eternal generation; I am "a" son of God by spiritual regeneration (Jn. 3:3). You are safe and secure if you have become a child of God by faith (Rom. 8:38,39).II. Lordship (Acts 9:6). The Apostle Paul did not make a simple decision on the Damascus Road, he bowed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Before he had consider Christ a blasphemer, but if you listen to what the "new" Paul said while on the Damascus journey, you find a man with an entirely different attitude toward Christ. He said, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" His refusal of Christ prior to that time was turned into a submission and recognition of His Divine Lordship. III. Discipleship (Luke 14:26). According to the Lord Jesus, if one is going to be a "disciple" (follower or learner) of Christ, it is necessary that Jesus be predominate and preeminent above all other, human or spiritual. The cost of disciple is very high, but the benefits and results of being a disciple are very blessed. A disciple is a follower of Christ. IV. Stewardship (1 Pet. 4:10). We are to be, "good stewards of the manifold grace of God." A steward is one who takes care of the household of his master. We are to be good stewards, generous stewards, and glad stewards. Let’s not let our Lord down!