Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker


The Value Of Prayer

The Psalmist said in Ps. 5:3–"In the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up." The famous Hope Diamond, which is located in the Smithsonian Institute, is known of around the world. It is the largest and most perfect blue diamond in existence, boasting 45.52 carats, and having a worth of over 200 million dollars. Though the renown stone is of great value, prayer is much more valuable than the Hope Diamond. Why is prayer so valuable? Here are several reasons.

I. Prayer Is A Sin Killer- When you really begin to pray, you will either have to give up sinning or give up praying. One does not feel an open line of prayer when practicing some known sin. On the other hand, when a person absorbs his or her life with prayer, sin will not dominate in that prayer warrior’s life.

II. Prayer Is A Power Bringer - Read in Acts 2 what happened when the church prayed. The power of God came down upon those believers who were tarrying, waiting for the promise of the Spirit. No church will have spiritual power unless there are effectual, fervent prayers being offered on its behalf.

III. Prayer Is A Victory Giver- It is the praying Christian who is the overcomer. Real faith in the heart is expressed in the believer’s prayer life. One who has no faith will not pray. So many people and churches are defeated, floundering in their spiritual walk, because of prayerlessness. If you want to be a victorious Christian - pray!

IV. Prayer Is A Holiness Producer- Prayer will result in holy living. You can rest assured, those who pray have a burning desire to live a holy, separate, consecrated, Christ-like life. If you come into the presence of God in prayer, it will change the way you live.

V. Prayer Is An Obstacle Remover- If you recall, in the Book of Acts, Peter was in prison. The church was having a prayer meeting for him. The result was that God opened up the prison doors that had him bound and set him free. Obstacles are removed when God’s people exercise our responsibility and our right to pray.

VI. Prayer Is A Christ Revealer- The way we can best reveal Christ in our lives is to stay in close communication and communion with Him. The more we are around someone else, the more we tend to be what that person is. That is why it is important to choose the right company. The Lord Jesus is the best of company!

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