Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker

Bound Together By These Things

As God’s dear children, there are more things to unite us than there are to divide us. There are certain fundamental and vital truths that all true believers embrace—such as the deity of Christ, the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus and salvation by grace through faith in the Son of God. We may differ about what the unpardonable sin is and whether it may be committed or not and other matters, but if we are truly saved by God’s grace, there are some things that bind us together. Each one of these thoughts begin with the word "fellow."

I. We Are Fellow-Partakers Of One Calling. Read Ephesians 3:6. Our calling to salvation was from heaven. God’s plan involved bringing both Jew and Gentile into one body through faith. That body is the Church of Jesus Christ (not the Mormons). It was not revealed in the Old Testament that both Jew and Gentile would become one body. The mystery of the church is that of New Testament revelation. Our calling is both a heavenly one and a holy one.

II. We Are Fellow-Citizens Of One Country. See Ephesians 2:19.

We are fellow-citizens with God’s people. God’s true household is not a building of brick and mortar, but people who have been redeemed by the grace of God. Someone has suggested there are six pictures of the church in Eph. 2:19-22. It is a new nation, God’s family, God’s building, a growing organism, a world wide temple (or the church universal), and a local temple (the local church). The country of which we are citizens by faith, is a perfect, peaceful place.

III. We Are Fellow-Members Of One Body. Read Romans 10:9.It is "saved" people that make up the body of Christ. Salvation involves confession with the mouth, and faith toward Christ in the heart. Salvation brings deliverance and delight into ones life.

IV. We Are Fellow-Laborers With Jesus. Look at Phil. 4:3. In that verse Paul uses the term "yoke-fellow." A yoke was a collar that bound two oxen together for plowing. The collar held them tightly so they might pull together and get the job done. A "yoke-fellow" is one who pulls and works cooperatively with others.

V. We Are Fellow-Heirs Of A Heavenly Mansion. Jesus promised all of His children a mansion in heaven one day (Jn. 14:1-3). In this life only a few possess mansions, but all in heaven will have one.

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