Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker New Things For A New Year The Bible is a book that talks about "new things." The word "new" is mentioned 150 times in the Bible, while the world "old" is referred to 380 times in our King James Version of the Bible. God makes that which is "new" possible to me and to you. In light of what God did to earth in Genesis through His creative acts, we know He can bring about "new things" for us today in this generation. Let’s look at a few of the new things that are mentioned in the Word of God. I. The Lord Gives A New Song (Psalm 33:3; 40:3). The songs of the world are full of music about drugs, alcohol, illicit sex, and a host of other undesirable things. Even with all of his partying and reveling, there is no sadder person in the world that the lost sinner. If anyone will repent and believe, God will give them a new song. It will have a different content than that which the world has to offer. You may be sad because of sin, but the Lord can give a song through His divine righteousness. Why be despondent when you can be delighted? II. The Lord Gives New Mercies (Lam. 3:22-23). God in His mercy spared a remnant of Judah, protected and blessed them during their years of captivity, and then permitted them to return to their land once again. He enabled them to rebuild their city and temple; He protected them from heathen nations that hated the Jews. How merciful God was to His people. How merciful He is to us today. It is His great mercy that holds back what you and I deserve. God gave a fresh supply of loyal love to His covenant people–so will He do for us. His mercies are like the manna in the O.T. that could not be exhausted. III. The Lord Gives A New Heart (Ezek. 18:31). Israel was told to get a new heart by repenting of sin and turning unto the Lord. The heart man is born with is deceitful and desperately wicked. There must be a change if heaven is to be our home! Do what God says! IV. The Lord Gives New Creatures (See 2 Cor. 5:17). Anyone who is in Christ becomes a new creature. One is never the same when he or she meets the Lord in salvation and forgiveness. Peter says we are partakers of the divine nature ( 2 Pet. 1:4). V. The Lord Gives A New City (John 14:1-3). A beautiful, heavenly mansion awaits all of God’s redeemed. It is ready now!