Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

A Delighted People

Psalm 1:2 speaks of the Christian’s delight. A "delight" is something that brings a great deal of satisfaction, gratification and pleasure. We are not to be a discouraged, defeated people but rather a people who is delighted in the things of God. What you delight in tells everyone around you the condition of your heart. If it is the things of the world alone that bring you delight, then your are not saved or are either a backslider in heart. We should be enthralled and enraptured in the things of God. The world cannot meet our needs but God can. There are some things in which we should delight:

I. Delight In His Ways- When I refer to the "ways of God," I have reference to the way God thinks, feels or decides. I have heard people say, "If I were God I would do it this way." No that is a wrong supposition–we are humans and do not always think as our God does.

There are two things I want to bring to your attention about His ways.

A. His Ways Are mysterious–that is, they are past finding out (Job.9:10; Rom.11:33).

B.  His ways are meaningful (Isa.55:9). Isaiah declares that, "My ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." You can always rest in the fact His ways are right (Hosea 14:9). You can delight in his ways because you know they are right.

II. Delight In His Worth-ship- Matt. 4:10 says, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God." What is worship? We can define it as ascribing or attributing worth-ship to God. We base that on three things:

A.  He created the world (Gen.1:1).

B. He controls the world (Heb.1:3).

C. He confronted sin (1 Jn. 4:10) and was victor.

III. Delight In His Word- Ps.1:2 says of the righteous man, "His delight is in the law of the Lord." What does His wonderful Word do?

A.  It summons us to salvation.

B. It satisfies us with sweetness.

C. It stimulates us to service. God’s Word is the greatest Word.

IV. Delight In His Willingness- God is willing to do for us what we most stand in need of this very moment. Thank God He is not only able but also willing to work in us and for us in our daily lives.

A. He is willing to save (2 Pet.3:9). He does not desire than anyone perish but that all come to repentance.

B. He is able to supply (Phil.4:19). He provides all of your need, not just part of it.

V. Delight In His Work-

A. Comfort is there (2 Cor.7:13).

B. Christ is there (Matt.18:20).

Thank God for the local church!

From Dr. Tom Walker

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