Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

How To Have A Great Nation

Genesis 12:2 says, "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing." In the preceding verse, God promises to make a "great" nation through the seed of Abraham. The Jewish people do constitute a "great" nation. Though that is true, God wants to make "great" nations out of other nations as well. God wants America to be a great nation. Greatness is not determined by possessions, power, or prestige alone; there are other principles which contribute to greatness. We should ask God to work in our nation, but at the same time we should be busy being what we ought to be and doing what we ought to do as a nation. What will make us a "great" nation? Several factors could be proposed.

I. Saved Citizens. The Bible says, "Blessed (happy) is the nation whose God is the LORD" (Ps.33:12). The names of God in this verse suggest that our Heavenly Father is the powerful, self-existent God who can transform a society by changing the lives of its citizens. We are saved by God’s son, through God’s grace, because of His mercy. What a blessing it would be if the vast majority of our citizens were truly saved. We would live in a different kind of society.

II. Submissive Citizens. See I Peter 2:13. We are to submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. The word "submit" has the idea of putting yourself under the authority of another. The "ordinances" are the laws. The only time we should not obey the laws of man is when they are contrary to the laws of God (Acts 5:29). When the laws are against the laws of God, our first allegiance is to our Lord.

III. Sensible Citizens. By that I mean we should be a thankful people for the blessings of God and give Him the honor and glory for all the good things that we possess (Col.3:15; Ps.100:4).

IV. Scriptural Citizens. If our nation would practice the teachings of the Word of God it would truly be a great nation. Knowing and obeying the Word of God would lift us to a much higher plane. See Deut.11:27. Teach, preach, and witness to others of God’s Truth.

V. Seeking Citizens. We would be much better citizens down here if we sought another country above (See Heb 11:6). We could have a better country if had a greater longing for a "better country, that is an heavenly." Heavenly minded people make better earthly citizens.


Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker

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