Read John 16:33. Jesus said in those verse, "Be of
good cheer, I have overcome the world." God’s people are to be full
of holy cheer. So many Christian walk about in this life with a dejected,
disturbed, deflated look. I believe God delights when we are filled with
holy ecstasy, which is produced by the Holy Ghost who lives in us. As you
look in the books of Matthew and John, you find a cheer to the saved
sinner (Matt. 9:2), a cheer to the storm tossed (Matt. 14:27) and a cheer
to the stirred (or troubled- Jn.16:33). "Cheer" could be defined
as "a state of gladness and life which rises one above gloom and
depression of spirit." If Christian people possessed more cheer, we
could have a more pleasing disposition one to the other. Oh that we would
allow the Lord to cheer us up! Notice with me in the Bible three very
special cheers which are found in the Bible that will help you and me as
we journey toward God’s holy, heavenly city.
I. "Fear Not"– These words are found in
Isaiah 43:1, "Fear not, for I have redeemed thee." The word
"redeem" has the idea of, " to repurchase what has been
sold; to regain possession of a thing alienated, by repaying the value of
it to the possessor." We were sold out to sin (Rom. 3:23) but thank
God Jesus Christ paid the price, bought us out of the slave market of sin,
and birthed us into God’s royal family. The redemption of Christ Jesus
is one that does several things. First, it is precious. When you are
redeemed, it is something you hold in high regard. Secondly, it is
permanent. It is not something that is undone the moment you commit a sin.
Thirdly, it is particular. God will only pardon those who exert the will
and believe on Christ.
II. "Fret Not"- Read Psalm 37:1. We are
not to "fret" because of evil doers. So many folks get into a
fizzle over the prosperity of and lack of punishment in regard to the
wicked. First, know God’s provision–He will meet all your needs
(Psm.34:10). Then know God’s promise (Eccl.3:17)–God will one day
judge the wicked.
III. "Faint Not"- Read 2 Cor. 4:16. We are not exhausted
or out of wind. We should not faint because of a renewing (inward man- 2
Cor.4:16). As well, you should not faint because of reward that is down
the road for the faithful Christian (2 Cor. 5:10).