Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The Virgin Birth
Isaiah 7:14 says, "Therefore the Lord himself
shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son,
and shall call his name Emmanuel." "Emmanuel" of course
means "God with us." It was a miraculous, marvelous, and mighty
conception. No one has ever been born as Jesus the Christ was born. He had
no human father because he was "conceived" by the Holy Spirit of
God. Since he had no human father to pass the sin nature on to Him, Jesus
Christ was "perfect" humanity. He knew no sin and did no sin. He
is the most unique individual this world has ever known, for Christ was
both God and man. No wonder the angels announced his birth to those humble
shepherds watching over their flocks by night (Luke 2). This was not just
another baby, this birth they spoke of was the "Christ-child."
Notice several things about His birth:
I. It Was A Prophesied Birth. One of the clearest
Old Testament prophecies of the birth of Christ is found in Micah 5:2.
Both Jesus’ eternal pre-existence and the place of His birth is stressed
by the prophet Micah. The birth of Jesus was something that had been
planned even before our earth or the heavenly bodies were created. The
earliest prophecy of His birth is found in Gen.3:15, where Christ is
called "the seed of the woman." His coming should have been no
surprise. Isaiah also predicted his coming in Isa. 9:6 and assigns several
titles to Jesus that could only be true of God’s Son.
II. It Was A Proclaiming Birth. His birth proclaims
to us several things of which we should take note. It proclaims the depth
of His love, the determination of His love, and the descending of His love
gift. One writer in the New Testament says it this
way, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Tim.
1:15). There could have been no Calvary without a Bethlehem. Birth must
precede death.
III. It Was A Productive Birth. Because Jesus came,
you and I can become children of God. Surely we understand that a
non-existent or dead Savior cannot save. Because Jesus came, there is a
church that is being formed because of the supreme sacrifice of His blood
at Calvary. The truth about Jesus can change society, sinners and saints.
IV. It Was A Personal Birth. Luke 2:11 says,
"For unto you is born this day a Savior." All people have been
offered salvation (Jn.1:12).

Site created by Tom Walker