Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Keeping On Track

The Bible says in Joshua 1:7, "..Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper withersoever thou goest. The "right" and "left" comparisons are found some 57 times in the Old Testament. Joshua spoke of the children of Israel being strong and courageous in doing the written will of God. So many folks want to live in the "permissive" will of God instead of the "perfect" will of God. It seems like the Bible is saying to us in Joshua 1:7 that we are not to detour to the right or left, but stay on a straight path, right on track. I am going to use the analogy of a train to say several things about our lives in the will of God. Whatever you do, please don’t allow the devil to derail you in your spiritual life. Keep moving forward for our Lord.

I. There Is A Path To Follow. As a train moves forward, it does not have to wonder where it is going. There are "tracks" for it to move along that will carry it to the planned destination. I rejoice that God’s Word will do the same thing for us. First, there is the Lord and the path. He does have a plan and direction for our lives; His Holy Word reveals that clearly to us. Then, there is the lay of the land and the path. You will surely face curves and hills as you travel for God, but if you will just "follow the tracks"–then you can be assured of protection and safety, though the path of the tracks may turn.

II. There Is A Power To Release. The huge locomotive has great potential of power. It can pull many heavy box cars behind it around curves and over hills. There is a mighty power available and accessible to the dear child of God. Zech.4:6 states: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts." There is power to stand, power to serve, and power to speak How essential it is that we rely and lean on God’s almighty, omnipotent power!

III. There Are Passengers To Warn. Warn the saints of the deceitfulness of sin, the designs of the devil, and the downward pull of the old, Adamic nature.

IV. There Is A Person In Charge. The train company assigns some to patrol and have charge over each coach. Christ is in charge.

V. There Is A Place Where We Are Headed. That destination is a glorious, gorgeous, grand place called "heaven.

Mini- Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker


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