A Joyful People Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say rejoice." There are so many people today who live as though they had lost their best friend. So many seem to express hopelessness rather than hopefulness. Countless lives seem to have run dry as a fountain, which has not been fed by the underground acquifers. That condition is not hopeless, when you consider that the dispenser of joy, the Holy Ghost, lives inside of every genuine believer. The Bible says in Isaiah 29:19, "The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." Jesus said in Jn. 15:11 that our joy is to be "full." The word "full" means "filled to the utmost capacity" or "containing all that can be held." Why should you be joyful? I. Our Redemption In Christ- See 1 Pet. 1:18,19. The word "redeem" means to deliver by the paying of a price. It is certainly not "corruptible" (perishable) things which has delivered us, but the precious blood of Christ. That blood has no blemish and no spot. II. Our Rest In Our Labors- See Matt. 11:28,29. Jesus reminded us that His "yoke" is easy and his "burdens" are light. What a glad day when we were able to cast off the yoke of the law and tradition and take on the yoke of doing the will and the work of our great God! III. Our Restoration In Failures- Read Mk.16:7. The angel told the three women, who came to Jesus tomb early on resurrection morning, "Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee." After Peter had denied the Lord in the courtyard of the high priest, a word was to be given to Peter individually that Jesus would meet them in Galilee. We fail, but Christ rescues and still cares for us. IV. Our Record In The Book- Look at Luke 10:20. We are to rejoice because our names are written down in heaven. Jesus makes it clear that is a superior grounds of rejoicing above that of demons being subject to you. Thank God for our place in the Lambs Book of Life! V. Our Release From The Past- Read Psalm 79:8. God certainly does not remember former iniquities. To "forgive" is "to cancel an indebtedness or liability of." My debt of sin has been canceled. VI. Our Reward In Heaven- See Rev. 22:12. When Jesus comes His reward will be with him. He will reward for faithful service one day. Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker