Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Heavenly Refreshment

Deuteronomy 32:2 says, "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass." God is still raining down dew of refreshment from heaven upon the hearts of His dear people. Dew can make the difference between total barrenness and a vegetation cover in dry weather. When there is no moisture during the day, dew comes down at night and is absorbed by the leaves of plants to keep them going in extremely dry weather. Water is essential for life, whether we are speaking of human life, animal life, or plant life. The world system which we are now in is like a wilderness. Often it becomes hot and dry, but thank God, there is heavenly dew that falls upon our often parched and dry souls. Jesus is that "Living Water" and the Word of God is that "written water" that keeps us going when we face the dry and barren spots in our present journeys toward the holy city of God. Some people in the desert, who were out of water, have reported collecting water from the dew. That kept them going until they found sufficient water.

I. The Symbolism Of The Dew- If you carefully study your Bible, you will soon discover that dew symbolizes the blessings of Almighty God. It is mentioned when the Scripture refers to Isaac blessing both Jacob and Esau (Gen.27:28,39). Also, it is used in Moses blessing the tribes (Deut. 33:13-28). In addition, Proverbs 19:12 likens dew to the favor of the king. You will also observe that in Hosea 14:5 that God gives the promise that He will be like dew in blessing His people.

II. The Subsiding Of The Dew- Since the dew is clearly depicted as a symbol of blessing in the Old Testament, when God withheld the dew, the Jews felt that God was manifesting His divine displeasure toward them in their lives. When God is grieved with our lives several things happen. First, there is the loss of joy (Gal.5:22-23). It is the obedient Christian that continues to possess fulness of joy. Secondly, there is a loss of a sense of well being (Heb.12:6). God’s scourge is no pleasant thing. When it goes to its farthest extent, a person can even eventually face death for continually disobeying and grieving God (1 Cor.11:30). God will chastise.

III. The Saints And The Dew- Showers of blessings we do need.


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