Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Do We Really Care?

Psalm 142:4 says, "I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me;refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul." The Psalmist had come to the point that he wondered if anyone really cared about him? If you were living in the days of King David, would you have been one of those of which he spoke in Psalm 142:4? We are living in a generation of "hurting people." They want to know that someone cares about their lives and their eternal destiny. To care means "to have thought or regard toward another" or "to feel concern about." Have you ever found yourself in the shoes of the psalmist? Perhaps there have been those times that you wondered if anyone cares about you. How can we show people we really care about them?

I. By Our Words- If you truly care about God’s people you should tell them so. How long has it been since you told someone that you loved them in and through the Lord? It is not for us to assume that others know we love and appreciate them. It is our responsibility to verbally let them know we care. II. By Our Works-It is one thing to tell someone that we love him or her, and then turn around and speak differently in our actions. How do we show we care for others in our lives? First, give attention. You pay attention to those you love. Secondly, give protection. If you really love someone, you want to protect them, even if you must reprove or correct at times.Thirdly, give preference. If you love someone deeply, their preferences will be more important than your own.

III. By Our Willingness- Because there are so few who are willing to let others know they care about them, we should be "willing" to be a help and blessing to others. First, be willing to share someone’s load. Secondly, be willing to speak to God about them. Lastly, be willing to speak to them about God. How can we say we really care about someone if we are not willing to speak to them about God? Let’s let others know we care about them and point them toward the Lord Jesus Christ.


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